Welcome To My House Party

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"Hey, sorry about my dad! He's just a little protective over me." I nervously laugh and look at Langlea.

"Yeah, no biggie. My dad was like that my freshmen year too." She flips the page of the magazine in her hand.

"Wait... You're not a freshman?"

"Nah, second year here. Why?" She looks up at me now.

"Oh nothing, I only assumed." I sit on my bed and cross my legs.

"Who was that guy by the way, was that your boyfriend."

She laughs and sighs.

"Keshawn? No way."

I look away from her and at the wall. Didn't they kiss? I know I'm not one to judge, but I would never do anything intimate with a guy, unless he was mine.

"Well I know what you're thinking! I see it on your face. We just started talking, and we've known each other." She hurriedly gets her point across. 

"Yeah, well..."

I'm cut off as her cell phone rings.

"Hello? Yeah you know I'm down for it. I got a few I can bring... Freshmen? I know one or two of em" she looks at me and smiles.

"Alright, I'll holla at you later. I'm outtie" she places the phone down.

"What was that about? A few freshmen?" quizzically, I look at her and wait for her response.

"There's the annual back to school party, the greek folk always host them. I would like if you and your friend could come, I mean if y'all want. It's fun." She shrugs and looks back at the magazine.

A party? I really hate being around large groups of people.

"Yeah, I'll ask Dom."


"Oh sorry, the girl who came in here. The one with all the luggage."

"Oh! Yeah her. She pretty as hell, totally invite her." Langlea smirks at herself and pushes her ear buds in.

Getting off the bed, I try my best to remember Dominique's room number.

"Hey I'll be back." I turn to Langlea, I had already forgot she was listening to music. I turn on my heel and head towards the door, twisting the knob.

"Twenty-one zero, twenty-one zero, twenty-one zero. Ah!" My fist lifts to knock on the door.

The door opens and I'm met with a frustrated, messy haired, and slum clothed Dom.

"What's wrong with you, you look like Oprah from the color purple" I hold my fist to my mouth and laugh to hard.

"You think you funny? Well since I got here, you could say all my life I had to fight." She rolls her eyes and smirks.

"Come in, what's up?"

I step foot into her room and sit on her zebra print bed sheet.

"Well, there's supposed to be a get together? I don't know. It's called the annual something." I shrug at my forgetfulness

"I'm down, if you down though. I just gotta shower. Plus, how we getting there?" She scratches her hair and rests her hand on her hips.

"My roommate, I guess. I mean she did invite us. But, I'll be getting ready. Is this casual wear or like semi formal?"

"I know as much as you, just throw something cute on."

Nodding in response, I make my way to the door and say my goodbye. "I'll be back, one hour tops. Be ready by then."

Making my way back to my room, at the end of the Hall is a television.

"How will the team play this year?"

"Well with hard work and dedication to the game, all the blessings will come true and we will play an outstanding season."

At the bottom of the screen, a name is printed. I can't read it very clearly.

"Quarterback Devon Patterson, has played well over his course of play. Everyone hopes he can once lead us to the championships again, can he?"

The screen cuts to a cute guy, who by the way looks to damn good in a football uniform.

"Tell us, Devon how does it feel to be able to play for this team?"

"Well, it's truly amazing! I wouldn't trade it for anything. UGA baby! Gang gang!"

His teammates crowd around him and all I see are bright smiles and the news reporter laughs, "well you heard it here folks, this was your Bulldog Daily News!"

Taking a shower, surely made me feel a hundred percent better than before and with only fifteen minutes left, I plug my curling iron up and pick out my fit.

"Wow, you look to good!" Langlea touches my shoulder, to turn me around.

"Ayy, I see you." She smirks, "I'll go get the car, it's to hot to make y'all walk so far. I'll be out front in five."

Walking back to Dominique's room and mine was a hassle, but whatever. I can admit we both are fitted to a hundred. We bound to catch some stares tonight.

Getting in the back of Langlea's car, I grab my purse and lay it across my lap. Looking to my right, there's a crate with alcohol bottles in it.

"What's this?"

We make eye contact in the rear view mirror.

"Girl, we gonna get fücked up tonight." Dominique laughs and we speed off.

The music is already booming, from outside what seems to be a frat house.

"We here!" Langlea steps out the car and heads towards the back, to grab the crate. I assist in the lifting.

"Hey, follow me into the kitchen and help me set up?" I nod and we began heading towards the house. Dominique follows.

Drake's music is booming in the house, drunk bodies grinding on each other, and a bunch of folk snapchatting.

"Over here on the counter!"

I place the crate down and take out the contents.

"You ready to mix?" She goes to the fridge and pulls out some fruit.

"Pour everything in there!" I look at her disgusted.

"Won't that be nasty?!" She giggles and shakes her head, "do it!"

Dominique snatches the bottles and pour them into the crate, drinking some too. I roll my eyes at her.

"Drop the fruit in, now Langlea."

I watch as the liquid substance turns into a pink lemonade color.

"Ladies! It's looking good as hell!"

I turn around and I'm met with a familiar face, or actually two of them.

"Ayy, Devon what's up bro?"

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