School Zone

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It was the next morning, I knew it when the sun shined through the curtains and my alarm went off. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and couldn't help but have an attitude due to the rude awakening.

"God, yo I'm up." I reached around looking for the source of noise, only to find out it wasn't me at all who had the alarm. It was Langlea.

"Langlea, girl turn that shít off." I throw the covers over my head to block it out, but it's no use. I could never go back to sleep after this. "No, it's time to get up. First class of the day for us, or at least me." I feel the covers being tugged.

"I take forever to shower, so either I go first or you wait for me and be late. Come on get up." I groan and sit up and scratch my head, "shít, I'm up." Mumbling incoherently I grab my necessities and my phone, then I walk towards the bathroom to shower.

Checking my phone I see multiple text messages, one from Dominique especially. The message read: wake up, booger head. First day of school lol I'll meet you in the lobby at 7. Ight

I didn't bother to reply to it or any of he other messages and instead, turned the water on and placed my phone on the counter. The water was scorching hot on my skin as I washed. I decided to wash my hair, then try to manage the curly locks.

"Ariana! Could you hurry up?" I hear Langlea banging on the bathroom door, "Hold on! Sorry!" I turned the water off and grabbed my towel off the rack. I grabbed everything and made my way back into the room.

"Damn, what happened? You slipped and fell and couldn't get up? I hope you know we got like thirty minutes left." I roll my eyes, now she was getting on my nerves. Who was she? My mama?

I closed the blinds completely and made sure the door was locked, I dried myself off and quickly put on my underwear and bra. I took the blow dryer to my hair and curled it for the day.

Throwing on my simple outfit for these two classes, I grabbed my binder and purse. "Bye Langlea." I closed the door and locked it behind me. Humming, I pressed the elevator button and stepped inside.

Out in the lobby, true to her words was Dominique sitting on the chairs looking at her phone. "Big head I'm here." Dominique glanced up at me and got up.

"Come on we got ten minutes to get to class, and it's half way across campus."

We both start walking, "how was the date?" Dominique glances over at me as we picked our pace up. I blowed a heavy breath, "hold on ill tell you in class." She nodded her head in agreement.

As we began to inch nearer to our class, we slowed down and I bent over clutching my sides. "Damn B, I need me a car real quick." I breathlessly laughed and lifted my head up and continued to walk.

"Really, yo little asś out of breath? Already, the walk was like 7 minutes." Dom rolled her eyes, "you gon make me sweat my hair out, I need to hit the gym more often then."

"Language 101? I think this the building. Let's head in." I take the steps two at a time, even though we have 2 minutes to spare before were late. Even if it didn't matter in college I wanted to make a good impression.

Walking into the building, it was huge. Bigger than any class I had seen before, matter of fact it wasn't even a classroom. More like an arena, I glanced around and saw tons of fresh faces. The teacher was talking, but I couldn't clearly hear from the back, Dominique and I made our way to the front together.

"Here?" I pointed to a row of only 5 people at the front, I have no clue why everybody sat in the back. They was about to be struggling though. I sat down and got our a piece of paper.

"For those who just walked in, my name is Mr. Rylan and I'm your English 101 teacher. If this isn't your class, please leave." Mr. Rylan eyed Dominique and I as we settled ourselves. "Now, if I'm not mistaken this should be a class of freshmen and if you failed, then a class of freshmen and some upperclassmen."

Some students giggled, "I'm guessing you're that upperclassmen." Mr. Rylan laughed, "I won't fire shots so early. Alright, today I will only give a brief description of the course, the materials needed, and I'll hand out the syllabus. After that what you do with your time, I don't know nor do I care."

Papers were handed around and I glanced over them. The class was growing louder as students interacted.

The doors slammed shut from behind me, I turned to see Devon's face. He looked good, wearing his jersey and some fresh kicks.

"Girl what is he doing in here, he failed English?" Dominique snickered and I slapped her arm, "sometimes it's hard for people. Shut Up." She glared at me and mocked me with her eyes crossed.

"Mr. Patterson, you're late. I would've expected you to do better this year, yet I see a repeat. What up with that?" Mr. Rylan hands papers to Devon. Devon doesn't acknowledge him at all, instead he grabs the papers and takes a sit directly in front of me. If he had seen me, I don't know. Yet, it was rude to not say anything.

I leaned over a bit and tapped Dominique's thigh, she flipped her hair and looked at me.


"Remember I told you I would tell you about last night with Lucas?" I side eyed Devon and saw him sit up straighter than before. Dominique puckered her lips and whispered, "petty"

"Oh, yeah tell me."

"He was so sweet, we went to this vintage grill. Girl he isn't anything like I thought. He was telling me all this nice things and then invited me to go back to his place." I smirked and grabbed her arm, "he so damn fine, but I don't think I'm ready for all that. We going out again next Monday!"

Dominique suspiciously looked at me, "Yall gon' fućk?" I hear Devon turn into a coughing fit. "Dooooom, no of course not." I lean down and grab Devon's shoulder, "you good? You need water?"

"No, no, no. Thanks" he turns around and I act surprised. "Oh hey Devon."

"Yea, hey Ariana." Devon turns towards Dominique and nods his head, "thanks for the ride last night." I sweetly smile at him and as soon as he turns around I drop the act.

"You ready to go?" 

Hey guys! Would you like P.O.V in anybody else's perspective? Or just Ariana? Comment and let me know.
That's Dominique in the picture, and don't forget to vote.

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