You Dont Have To

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"Ayy, Devon what's up bro?"

Langlea walks over to him and hugs him, he smiles and I remember that's the guy from the television.

I take in his shape, he's build just right. I see a tattoo peaking out from his casual jacket and his smile, oh lord.

"Oh, these are the new freshmen. Dominique and Ariana, by the way she's my roommate."

With her arm wrapped around Devon's shoulder he gently smiles at us both, and I glance away before my cheeks heat up anymore. I can't even look him in the eyes?

"I thought I saw Keshawn come in here to? Where the hell his big head go?" Langlea lets Devon go and makes her way out of the kitchen, leaving Dominique, Devon, and I alone.

"Them drinks ran through me honey, where the bathroom?" Dominique looks uncomfortable while clutching her purse.

"I think it's up the stairs, past the first room on the left." Devon grabs a cup and drinks whatever substance is in it.

"Alright, I'll be back!"

Dominique would do this, got me down here with him. I really should leave, before I embarrass myself.

I feel his stare on me, I glance out the corner of my eye and I think he notices me. I clear my throat and turn towards him.

"It's not nice to stare."

He grins, "sorry baby girl, you a freshmen right?" My eyes follow his tongue as it glides across his bottom lip.

"Yeah, why?" I lean against the countertop.

"You kinda look like one, fresh outta high school or whatever."

I smack my lips, and he sips on his drink. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, you just look naïve."

Funny how I thought he was going to be sweet or something. Just another fine one with an ugly attitude. I roll my eyes and turn around, only to signify that I was over it.

"Hey, Devon they're playing a game. You in?"

"Yeah, I'll be right there." He comes over to me and for a second I think he will say something to me. He doesn't.

"Can you watch out, I need to get some more to drink." I sigh and slide to my left for him.

"Ight." He walks away, out of the kitchen.

"The fück she doing? Shïtting?" I make my way out of the kitchen in search of Dom, it is taking her little asš to long.


I turn the corner and find not only, Langlea hugged up in the corner with Keshawn, but Dominique on the floor with her shirt off.

I walk cautiously over to her, "Dominique! What are you doing? Put your clothes on." She only had one drink, how the hell she be tipsy already.

"Chill,chill,chill! Come and and play with us? Yeah play!" She smiles up at me and tugs on my shirt, that I pull back up.

"No, she don't wanna have fun then don't make her." I look around in search of the smart mouth, I find the man of the hour himself.


He smirks at me, and I sit down beside Dominique, "spin the fücking bottle, Kevin."

Everyone laughs, "sorry? I mean... What's your name?" I know good and well I know his name and he know too.

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