An Invitation

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It had been about two weeks since Emeline had first arrived at the manor. She and Claire had settled into a bit of a routine. Seeing that her grandfather's affairs were in order, Emeline had settled into the quiet country life. She had even taken up horseback riding around the perimeter of the estate the same way her grandfather had. She loved watching the sun set behind the tops of the buildings from the tiny village in the neighboring valley. Something about the way the bell tolled the hour of curfew settled her soul and brought her peace.

During the day, she worked the garden with another maid by the name of Anastasia. Ana was quiet, and quite shy, but she had a lovely singing voice and Emeline loved to hear it floating over the rows of potatoes and green beans as she weeded the precious winter supply. Claire had already begun teaching the girls how to properly store the vegetables for winter and with each passing day, Emeline noticed the savory odor of smoking meat filling the yard as her neighbors brought in the nights hunt.

All was peaceful and Emeline sighed happily as she sat back in her chair in the study, enjoying a cup of tea.

A knock at the door startled her but she quickly composed herself and entreated her visitor to enter.

"Pardon the intrusion, Miss," Claire said, offering a curtsie. "A letter was just hand delivered and I thought you might not want to wait for something so important."

Emeline accepted the token and opened quite carefully as the stationary seemed rather expensive. A gold gilded card fell to the desk.

Emeline read the paper, her expression darkening. "I have no need of this. Send our decline."

Claire picked up the note and gasped. "We cannot, Miss. It is the annual charity for the church's orphanage. To decline this invitation would disgrace your great grandfather and put a black mark on all he's done for this town. If for no other reason than to honor his memory, you must go!"

The sincerity and urgency with which this was presented put Emeline in a rather uncomfortable position. She could only stare as Claire continued babbling.

"I will make preperations at once. No need to worry, Miss. Leave it all to me!"

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