An Unwelcome Visitor

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Claire was secretly proud that Emeline seemed so impressed by the large home. She rattled on about the history behind the paintings, and spoke of the great events that had been hosted within these walls. She was thrilled to have someone to share these adventures with.

"Perhaps in the near future, we will host a homecoming party for the new mistress?" She boldly ventured. "I can take care of the arrangements and all that it implies."

"No," Emeline cut her off, rather abruptly. "Th-there is no need for such extravagance. At least, not until I see the state of my grandfather's affairs. We shall not spend foolishly or without thought until I know how everything stands."

Claire's head drooped just a tiny bit, but she nodded curtly and answered, "Of course. I thought you might feel that way, which is why I assumed you might appreciate stopping by the study for the evening to check in on the estate's stock. I believe you will be quite pleased."

Emeline simply nodded and walked through the door that had been opened for her. Once she seemed settled in, Claire brought her a thick, leather-bound book, documenting the last ten years of budget details. 

"Each tome represents ten years of the estate. The red leather books are the finances, green is lineage, and yellow is basic history." Claire curtsied after this brief description and took her leave. She closed the door behind her and sighed heavily as she pictured the face of her new Mistress, so cold and business like. What would her life become with no laughter, no parties, no joyous company? As a vampire, she had an awful long time to live. Would she be able to bear this?

She straightened herself up and squared her shoulders. "It's all new to her," she reminded herself. "The Mistress will come around. How could she not come to love such a beautiful place?" With these words of encouragement, Claire made her way down into the kitchen to prepare dinner for the two of them. Things would get better. They had to.

She hummed softly to herself, reciting the positive affirmations again and again in her mind. Her mood seemed to be brightening, and when she heard a knock at the back door, she all but skipped over to open it. Her breath caught, though, when she saw the shadowy figure waiting for her.

"What are you doing here?"

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