[ even gods fall at some point ]

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"You're so stuck up."

You think I care?

"You act as if you're so strong even when you're not."

We all need to play out the part sometimes.

"You think you're better than everyone else."

Isn't that insecurity talking?

"See? You're so full of shit."

No. You are the one who's full of shit.

"Stop trying to act cool because it makes people sick."

People should really start living their lives. Otherwise they'll get an infection from poking their noses into someone else's business.

"You're unbelievable."

Believe it, baby. I'm real.

"Maybe that's why people hate you so much, because you're so cocky."

Hate, love, it doesn't matter. Bottom-line is that they still give a fuck about me despite their claims.

"You should really come down from that pedestal you've built for yourself."

Do you really want me to come down when you all put me here in the first place?

"Fuck you."

You're welcome.

"Everyone despises you."

You've told me that a million times. Tell me something new.

"You're not all that charming so cut the prince bullshit."

That's where you are wrong, my boy. I'm a fucking king.

j. r.

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