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"Miss it's time to wake up." The little house elf Addy told me.

"What time is it?" I ask her as my face was buried in my pillow.

"9 miss." I sighed before sitting up.

"Very well, you are dismissed." I told Addy.

I got changed a black dress my mother insisted on me wearing today because it was my birthday.

I walk down stairs and saw A few owls standing there. And I recognized the old barn owl from the Weasleys, Hedwig and Cedric's small owl Lila. I even saw Uncle Remus's owl.

I took the letters off of them and read them all. They were telling me a happy birthday and asked me how my summer was going so far. I'll have to write to them later. I threw the letters into the fire pit.

"Annabelle!" I heard mom say. She walked over and hugged me. "Already 14. It's hard to believe." I chuckle.

"Happy Birthday." Draco says as he entered the room.

"Thank you." I say.
The rest of the day was fine.

By the end of the night my mom handed me a envelope. Herself, Draco, father and I sat in the living room.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Open it." My mother urged. I opened up the envelope and I gasped once I saw what it was.

It was tickets to The Quidditch World Cup! Bulgaria vs Ireland!

I squealed and hugged everyone.

"Enough you foolish girl!" 'Father' snapped. But this time it didn't ruin my mood. I was really happy about this.

"Lucius dear, let her be. It's her birthday." Mother told him. I ran up to my room and wrote to George to let the others know that I'm going to see the Quidditch World cup.

They told me they were going too along with Harry, Hermione and Ced is going too!

Best birthday present ever.
Okay so this is more of a filler chapter and I know it sucks but the next one won't be a filler.


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