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It's been a week since the second task. I was walking down the corridor to the library.

"Oi! Belle!" I stopped walking and turned around seeing Cedric running over to me smiling. I smiled at him.

"Hey Cedric." I said.

"Where are you heading?" He asks slightly out of breath.

"The library." I told him. "Want to join?" I ask him. He nodded and together walked to the library.
We sat across each other. He was reading and I was doing my homework for Transfiguration.

I felt a light kick from under the table. I look up from my homework and to Ced.

"What?" I whisper.

"I'm bored can we go walk around?" He asked with a hopeful look. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm almost done." I told him.

"Shhh!" Madame Pince hushed me. I glared at Cedric who was holding back a laugh. I grab an extra parchment, crumbled it up in a ball and threw it at him. He threw it back earning glares from Madame Pince.

We ended up getting kicked out.

"It's your fault." I told Cedric who laughed then shrugged his shoulders.

"Oops." He said innocently. I pouted. He bent down. "Hop on." He said and I did and he started racing down the hall.

I was laughing as he sped down the hall.

"Mr. Diggory! Ms. Malfoy!" A familiar voice snapped. Cedric skid to a halt as we turn and see Snape there. "Mr. Diggory set Ms. Malfoy down." Cedric went low and I hopped off adjusting the strap on my shoulder.

He walked over to us glaring at Cedric.

"Mr. Diggory-" He began before I heard.

"Now Fred!" And before I knew it we were surrounded by red and gold smoke. I began coughing. I felt myself being picked up and that person ran.

The person turned the corner and set me down. I looked up and saw George with Fred Nad Cedric behind him. I grin.

"That was brilliant boys. Your a life saver." I exclaimed as I leaned against the wall.

Fred and George chuckled.

"We know." They say in unison.

I just need to get a Cedric and Anna scene before the next chapter.

And remember they're just friends.


Annabelle Malfoy ⇒ ⇒⇒ [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now