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It's now pretty much the end of the school year. Next week is the last week here. I haven't even thought about where I would go. I don't want to ask any of my friends for a place to stay because I didn't want to be a burden on them. I didn't tell my uncle or dad about me getting disowned. I didn't want to be a burden on them.

Also these past couple of months I've felt...different. I'm not sure what it is, if it is anything. It has to do with my magic. I feel...stronger.


"Draco" I called for him as I ran after him. And luckily for me he was alone this time.

"What do you want?" He asked me.

"I need your help." I told him. He scoffed. "Just hear me out Draco please." I begged him. He sighed.

"What?" He asked.

"You're aware about me being adopted correct?" He nodded.

"I think that at the manor they have my vault key for Gringotts. I know they do somewhere. That key is from my real parents. I need it." I explained. He stayed quiet for a moment.

"Fine." He finally said. I smiled and on instinct I hugged him. He didn't push me back in fact he hugged me back.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered. I hugged him tighter.

"It's all right." I told him.


The third task is going to start soon. Music was playing and everyone was cheering.

I watched Amos Diggory run out with Cedric following. I cheered for Cedric.

Soon Krum, Kackaroff, Professor Dumbledore, Fleur and Harry walked out.

I cheered for Harry with Hermione and Ron just as Fred and George arrived standing behind us.

I watched Professor walk onto to the podium.

"Earlier today." He began as everyone sat down. "Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he know its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory.." He was interrupted by cheering. I chuckled and joined in. "And Harry Potter." I cheered along with everyone in my section. "Are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum and Ms. Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner." Everyone cheered. "I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks wit their wands." He turns around. "Contestants. Gather around. Quickly." They huddled but I couldn't what he was saying. Until they pulled apart.

"Champions, prepare yourselves." He announced. They all went in their positions.

"Om the count of three. One-" The canon went off. I watched as Harry and Cedric enter the maze. And it closed off behind them. That was when Krum and Delacour was allowed in. 

It was approximately 20 into the task I saw red sparks fly up into the sky.

"10 galleons its Fleur."  I hear Fred say. I roll my eyes.


It's been an hour. I was now sitting in between Fred and George.

"Where are you going to go during the summer?" George asked. I look down at my hands.

"I'll figure something out." I told him.

"You can stay with us if you want. I'm sure our mother won't mind." Fred told me. I shook my head.

"No I don't want to be a burden on you guys." I told them. They shook their heads.

"Nonsense." They said.

"You won't I promise you." George tells me. I sigh and saw them smirk.

"Okay fine but the whole summer okay?"

"But-" They began but I cut them off.

"No buts. End of discussion." I told them. I then heard everyone cheering loudly. I looked and saw The cup with Harry and Cedric. I smiled.

I don't believe it. They both won.

I felt my smile began to fade as I noticed something was wrong. Harry looked like he was hovering over Cedric like he was crying. And Cedric wasn't moving.

"Oh my god." I whispered feeling tear well up in my eyes as I pushed past George and down the steps to the ground running over to them.

I screamed as realization hit.

He's dead.

Cedric's dead.

I dropped to my knee's as Amos ran over and started crying and yelling.

"No." I whispered as a tear escaped. I broke out into loud sobs.

I felt arms wrap around me. I didn't care who it was.

I started to have this feeling run through me. I did not know what it was though.

I felt myself being picked up. I felt numb as I couldn't move my body.

I close my eyes as darkness consumed me.


I re-watched the scene of Cedric and his father crying etc and I began to cry.


Annabelle Malfoy ⇒ ⇒⇒ [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now