Friendship Rules: Don't Confess Your Feelings

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(19) Carolyn Grandfield

After convincing me to go home after knowing that my mother was fine, I came to the park around the block of my house. It was quiet, peaceful. The wind whooshed around picking up the leaves from the ground, making a small tornado before it was flat again. I brought my jacket closer to my body to keep myself warm and walked toward the swings, sitting down on one and sighed deeply, my feet moving the swing back and forth slowly as I spaced out.

My hand brushed against my stomach as I thought about my pickle and smiled shortly down at my stomach. "We're going to be fine, I promise." I sighed again and breathed out as I looked up at the full moon.

I leaned my head against the long chain holding the swing and swung my legs. I felt someone sit on the swing next to me and looked to the side to see Kieran sitting down on the swing, looking ahead.

I turned back to look forward and continued to move my legs, the air the only thing we could hear with the noise of animals. "I figured out you were here after I found no one home." I looked down at my moving legs without replying to him.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you about the wedding." Kieran said after a few minutes of complete and utterly silence, his eyes staring at me. "I was selfish, I didn't want to lose you, not now, not ever."

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out all of sudden, I didn't know why I told him but I found the need to. "I'm leaving in a week." I played with my fingers before turning to look at him.

"You're pregnant?" Kieran asked slowly to process things and I nodded my head yes at him, waiting for his reaction. "And you're leaving?" He asked again and I nodded my head, looking away. "You're leaving? I won't let you leave, not with my kid."

"What do you want me to do Kieran?! Stay here! How more selfish can you be? Stay here and watch how you get marry to someone else? Stay to see how you're making a life without me? Stay for people to call my kid a bastard?" I shot him with questions over and over as I stood up from the swing.

The sky rumbled all of sudden, mentioning that the weather started to change. "I won't marry her, I'll be with you and our kid." I shook my head at him, refusing to.

"I won't let you leave her for me, we'll be okay on our own." He shook his head as he stood up, walking in front of me. "You'll have your own kids with her and be happy, forget about me. Learn to love her like she loves you."

I held Kieran's face in my hands as he did the same with me, our foreheads together and our eyes staring deeply into one another. The sky started to pour droplets of rain on us but we didn't move.

"Don't ask me that, I don't want to have kids with her, I don't want to be happy with her. I don't want to forget you and I don't want you to forget me." With that he kissed me passionately, my hands moving up into his hair to tangle my fingers in his scalps as I moved my mouth on his rhythmically.

The droplets became thicker and more frequently but we didn't move, our mouths pressed hard against each other and our bodies melting as we kissed. We exchanged multiple I love you's as we kissed over and over again, the rain wetting us from head to toe.

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