Friendship Rules: Don't Piss Nona

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Yay! Finished this and Queen Of MaskSkins! I felt accomplished. What I promise, finally.

Enjoy, Anators :) Just invented my book fanbase name lol

(19) Kieran Knightly

"Where is he?! Where is my grandson?!" A woman furiously shouted from outside before my office door was roughly open and my grandmother strolled inside angrily, her cane pointing at me.

"What do you think you're doing Nona?" I asked her confused as I slowly stood up from my chair, hands in the air as I stepped away from my desk. I jumped back slightly when she slammed her cane on the desk. "What the hell Nona!"

"What the hell Nona? I should kick your ass boy!" She made her way toward me and pressed her cane on my chest. "What is this nonsense about marrying that Alice girl?! What happened to Carolyn?"

I widened my eyes at her and sighed. "I'm doing what's right for the pack Nona, this is my obligation as an Alpha. I'm doing what's conv...Ouch! What the hell?" I stepped back and rubbed my chest where she hit me with the cane.

"What's best for the pack? What's best for you then? The pack doesn't get to decide about your life! About what's meant to be! She's your mate for heaven sake's this is nonsense! Since when does a mate marry someone else because she's a human?! I didn't raise you all like that! Not even your father, I don't know why he's doing this because I know he's behind this!"

"Nona..." I sighed tiredly, my fingers running through my hair. "I had enough already with my mother and Khorana, now you too?"

"Because this is not right! You better fix this boy! Now! I don't want my grandkid to be raised by someone else!" She gave me a stern look before she turned around on her heels and walked out of my office. I put my hands on my face with a deep sigh and ran them up to tangle my fingers in my hair.

"Where is Kieran? Where is he!?!" Oh god who now? The door burst open and Carolyn's mother barged in, in tears. "Please tell me you know where my daughter is?" She put her hand in front of her mouth as she tried hard to contain her sobs.

"No, I haven't seen her since Wednesday night when she was about to go on a date with Leon." I spat out bitterly, leaving out the part where she kicked me out of the house. "Why?" I asked suddenly concerned, don't tell me that Leon did something to her!

"She didn't came home since the date with Leon and I'm so worried, I called her but she won't pick up and neither does Leon. I'm worried. What if something happened to her?" Carolyn's mother cried out desperate and I sighed, pulling her closer.

I know it must hurt, losing a husband and now a daughter. "We'll find her, I'll gather all the pack members I have and we're going to look for her a promise you. We will find her!"

(19) Carolyn Grandfield

"I can't! Please I can't!" I clutched at my stomach as I tried to hold in the laughter, my hair covering my face as sighed deeply with a short laugh. "Oh my god you're so funny." I grabbed my glass of apple juice and took a sip, placing it back on the table.

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