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"I need your help." I told Élise as I found her in a cafe.

"With what?" She asked.

"I found Alphonse and his men. They have this plan set up for something and I doubt it'll be small. I need an extra pair of eyes to help me stop him." I explained.

"I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, help the Assassins." She said and left.

"Welcome back Monsieur Dorian." Said the same Assassin as before.

"Is there anything I can do for our Commande?" I asked.

"There are three novices wanting to train or be of use to a important Assassin. May you teach them?" He asked.

"Sure, why not? I could use the extra help anyways." I answered.

"Merci mon frère." He said.

"Pas de problème." I answered back.

Arriving at the terrains d'entraînement, I saw three Assassins standing there. As they saw me coming, they quickly kneeled down and bowed.

"Il est un honneur, Monsieur Dorian." They all said.

"So, the Council tells me that you three want to be out in the field." I explained to them.

"Oui monsieur, we've trained and practiced and we believe we are ready for anything." Said one of them which looked to be the sniper of the group.

"Is that so?" I asked.

"Oui monsieur." They answered.

"Alright, then let's see what you've got. Come at me anyway you like." I told them.

"A-at you, monsieur?" One of them asked.

"Yes, now come on." I answered.

Then, one of them charged at me with tremendous speed, I almost didn't see him coming. He fought only with his hidden blade which gave me an advantage. I clashed my blade with his and we looked at each other. He had determination in his eyes.

"You're relying too much on your lame cachèe. Use your other weapons to also fight the enemy." I said and pushed him back.

The brute of the bunch swung his giant ax at me. He was sluggish and slow, it seemed the ax was heavy even for him.

"Seems your ax is heavy even for you, I suggest you find another." I told him and push him off balance as well.

Then the sniper of the three fired his pistol at me. He was good but, it seemed that his pistol wasn't keeping up with his eyes. I quickly run towards him but, he hit my sword out of my hand in the process. Kicked his pistol out his hand and pushed him to the ground.

The three then looked at each other, all with the same determination to win.

They're not bad. I thought to myself.

The Assassin with the hidden blade activated his blade and tried to end it but, I easily dodge and step on his hidden blade hand. What I hadn't realize was that the brute and sniper were coming at me from both sides. I quickly took out my gun and activated my blade and the two stopped in their tracks. It was over, I won.

"Not bad for beginners I will say that much." I said as I helped them up. I gave the sniper the Silver-Plated Musket. With it's damage and range the Assassin will have a complete advantage on any rooftop. As for the brute I gave him Heavy Falcon it's damage and parry should serve him well. And as for the last Assassin I gave him my Master Bracers and the Schiavona. They thanked me and kneeled down.

"What are your names?" I asked.

"Benjamin." Answered the hidden blade fighter.

"Auguste." Answered the sniper.

"Antoine." Answered the brute.

"From this day forth, you three are my apprentis." I told them.

"Merci monsieur Dorian." They said.

"S'il te plait appelle moi Arno." I told them and we left.

Assassin's Creed Unity: Arno and Élise Where stories live. Discover now