Gregory House

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I was dumbfounded...I could move? How did this even happen? There were questions spinning all around in my head wondering. Foreman came into my room and his jaw dropped, "How did this happen?" He asked me.
"Don't know, I just...woke up and I could move." I said astonished. Chase walked by and saw Foreman with me.
"What are you doing Foreman? She doesn't have any appointments. And plus why don't you have your suit on?" "Oh right! I completely forgot...I was just so amazed at what just happened. She sat up." He said.
"She what?" Chase asked putting on his suit and coming into my room.
"She sat up." He said.

Well, that's...that's amazing!"
"That's what I said." Foreman continued to speak to me. "Do you feel any better than you were before?"
"No, not really but I can move! That must mean that I'm getting better! Doesn't it?" I said.
"Not necessarily." Chase said. "We've only cured one of your symptoms. Who knows how many you have. I mean you did live on the streets of New Jersey."
My excitement went down a notch. "You mean that I'm not getting any better?"

"No! You are getting better...its just that-" I cut him off.
"Dr House hasn't found a cure." I said.
"Yes, Chase said, not yet." I was so upset, but angry at the same time. I had to take this up against Doctor house.
"Can I talk to Doctor House?" I asked. "Cameron said she'll try but I guess wasn't  successful. Maybe he'll listen to a guy and not a girl...if he's so sexist."
"I can't deny that he is." Chase said. I laughed a little. It's the first time I haven't laughed in a long time. Might as well do it before I die.
"I'll try to get him for you." Foreman said. I also asked Chase for some food and he left my room.

About five minutes later Chase came back with a tray of snacks. "They only had fish and sandwiches.  I hope you like them both." I smiled at him with thanks and he left the room again. Dr Foreman was coming back with another doctor I didn't recognize. They got on their suits  and came in. The other Doctor had a cant and surprisingly made it to me first.
"I know all...well that what I heard anyway." His voice was deep and full of sarcasm.
"Is this how he greets all of his patients?" I asked sarcastically.
"This is Doctor House. You asked to meet with him?"
"Yes, I did. Can we have some privacy?"  I asked half pleading.
"Sure you can." He said and he left the room.

"Have you found out what I have?" I asked.
"I don't know if I have. Your disease is hard to diagnose...we're trying as hard as we-"
"I DON'T CARE HOW HARD YOUR TRYING FIND OUT WHAT I HAVE! I WANT TO KNOW!" I said yelling at the top of my lungs. I was crying.
"Stop." He said. "You bleeding."
"What? No I'm not!"
"Yes you are. Your crying out blood."
I did see that my cheeks were red but I thought that was my rage. He grabbed a napkin from the opposite side of the room and wiped away a little bit of my tears. "For the lab." He said. "Nice meeting you."

I felt so guilty I just yelled at the doctor who was going to save my own life, or kill me. I was so ashamed of myself. What have I done? Now he might never cure me for what I've done...but it's his job! He has too! If he doesn't it won't only risk my life, it'll risk his job! Dr Cameron came into my room. "Are you ready to go into your original room?" Cameron asked. "What do you mean?" I asked cocking my head. "Your not contagious anymore! Didn't House tell you?" "No, no he didn't. I guess yelling at him and getting in his way kind of stopped the news." I said. "Well, now you know. Let's get you out of here so they can wash the place out." She said. "Okay than." I said. Another doctor brought in a hospital bed but I stopped him. "Can I walk instead?" He nodded.

We were walking down the hallway and I saw another mental patient as I did on the way on the way into the hospital. This time he lurched out at me like a hungry and angry zombie (hangry). He spoke with sincerity in his voice and his breath smelled like rotting flesh..."Where are you going and why?" He kept on asking over and over. A nurse pulled him by his collar into his room and the last words I heard from him were. "Your just going to end up dying anyway!" Those last words kept on ringing in my head over and over again. "Are you okay?" Cameron asked. "Ya, I shook my head, "I'm fine."

"Sorry about that guy." She said. "It's fine rea-" "We probably should've warned you about him walking down through that hallway. Don't believe anything he says, he's completely mental." She continued by cutting me off. She made sure I was okay and left the room. I was right across from House's office and I could somewhat make out the words he was saying. He was playing on a Gameboy! On a Gameboy at work! I heard them talking through the glass through my open door. I could somewhat make out what they were saying to each other. "So what do you think that girl has."

"I found her name in some files." "But we couldn't find any files with her." Cameron and Chase said.

"Well you obviously didn't look hard enough." House said sarcastically. "Anyways her name is Rebecca. And I think that I know what disease she has and her cure."

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