Chapter 9

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It isn't easy losing the one person you thought you'd have forever. The pain kills. It never ends. It's a cycle of all the feelings that do nothing but upset you and break you down. It's like watching someone take your heart and rip it apart but you all you do is watch because there's nothing else you could possibly do. I don't think there's any feeling in this world like pain.  Pain feels like your world is coming to an end. Like you had everything you needed to make you happy and with the blink of an eye it's gone, and with that there's nothing I can possibly do to heal my broken heart. His smile was the only thing that could brighten my day and now that I won't be seeing his smile, I'm left alone in the darkness. When i was 5 years old, a car was very near to hitting me, and my brother ran and stood in front of me. Luckily the car stopped and didn't hit Trevor. When I asked him why he did that he simply replied with: "I put your feelings before mine, and you are my happiness so if you were to be gone id have nothing to make me happy". Before I could continue writing my mom barges in


"Mom this can't happen please bring back Trevor; do anything. I need him in my life. How am I going to wake up every day knowing Ihave to spend these 24 hours and all the other 24 hours without seeing his beautiful face? Mom how? How is this so easy for you to deal with? Mom help me." I decide to let my feelings speak for themselves.

"Lana there is nothing we can do. Don't you know that when a person is gone you can't bring him back to life? Understand this. Trevor isn't coming back, he's gone forever" and with that she leaves and slams the door behind her.

I can feel my eyes burning, and I let my tears escape.

Just before I burry my head in my pillow, someone enters.

"I don't want to see or contact anyone. I just want to be alone, so whoever you are you can help yourself out the door "I quickly say before anyone disturbs me


"Are you sure you want to be left alone?"

I know this voice. This is his dulcet tone embraces the air like the evening I'm perfume of night flowers.

His words actually do have an impact on me, and in some way he heals something in me. Even if I know it won't be okay he gives me hope that it will be just by his words.

What's truly killing me though is I can't see his face, and I have no idea who this human that switches something positive inside of me is.

"Why are you here?" I ask

"You make it sound like you don't want me here"

"Yeah that's because I don't want you here"

"Why are you denying the way I make you feel?"

It's like he can read my mind and it scaring me. Who is this human, and what does he want from me?

"That sounds as pathetic as it is. Why won't you show me your face? Tell me who you are." I stress and panic. This stranger with breathtaking brown eyes actually has an impact on me. I don't know who he is, and I know nothing about him. It's only now I started realizing that he might be dangerous.

I can see from the corner of my eye his hand slowly approaching mine, and I don't bother to push away as he places his hand over mine.

"Please just leave me alone", I finally manage to say.

"You don't like the way this feels?" he asks as if shocked and disappointed.

"Do you even know me? Who are you? Why are you here? Please just give me some answers because I'm completely lost"

"Close your eyes and give me your hand", he commands

"How can I trust you?" I ask him.

"Don't worry Lana your questions aren't to be unanswered forever", he says back 

And suddenly I'm not surrounded by white walls anymore


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