Chapter 1: How it all begins

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Sam and Dean. Dean is 16 years old and Sam is 12 years old. Their dad is a hunter. Not any normal hunter. A demon hunter. Now this is where the story begins.

Chapter 1:

Dean and Sams dad, John Winchester, was a demon hunter. He was curently on a hunt for a Djinn. He had been gone for a mere month and the boys were starting to worry, but Dean had to stay strong and watch over Sam. "Dean? When is dad coming back?" Sammy asked. "Soon Sammy, soon." Dean answered. "Where is he anyways?" Sammy asked curiously. "Dad's at work Sammy. He'll be back soon. Don't worry" Dean answered. Sam was always worrying and Dean always tried to make things better but could never fully succeed. "Sammy I have to go. Ill be back soon. Stay here!" Dean demanded. "Yeah just like dad said." Sammy said sadly. "He will be back. And so will I." Dean said sternly. Dean shut the door and walked to the nearest gas station buying some chips and drinks. He walked back to the motel they were staying in with the air slightly blowing in the night air. Dean approached their room with a strange feeling.

Dean walked into the room and that feelings grows even worse. He goes to walk into Sammy's room and see's a demon, taking Sams soul. He quietly puts down the bag in his hands and grabs a gun and aims at the demon. Then John busts through the door and shoots the demon, then the demon disappears. "How the hell did this happen Dean?! I told you not to let him out of your sight!" John yelled at Dean. "I went to go get dinner. I'm sorry dad." Dean said. "What was that thing!?" Sammy yelled loudly.

"Now he has to start early, Dean. Are you happy?" John yelled "No dad! I'm not! But he had to start sooner or later. And maybe if you were here to take care of us this wouldn't happen!!" Dean yelled back sternly. "(Silent) Okay boys, go to bed. Sammy, Dean and I have to teach you to be a hunter in the morning." John said quietly. "A hunter? Like killing animals? Because that was no animal!" Sam said. "No. Demons." John said in a very serious voice. "What?! Demons? So ghosts and stuff are real?! I'm never going to sleep again." Sam said scared. The boys layed down and tried their best to sleep and John did some research. John found out where the ghost that was attacking Sam and drove to the graveyard. While he was digging up and burning the bones he decided to call Bobby. Bobby was a close friend of Johns and more like a father to the boys than john has ever been.  

'Phone call with John an Bobby'

John: Bobby? I need your help.

Bobby: What now John?

John: Sammy almost got killed by a demon. Now he knows and I need help teaching him because I still have to finish teaching dean.

Bobby: Seriously John Winchester! How in the world did that happen?

John: I was on a case and Dean left him alone.

Bobby: That idgit!! Ill be over in the morning.

'Phone call ends'

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