Chapter 11: What Libel Wants

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Chapter 11:

"What does he want Cas?!" Dean yelled. "Tell him Cas. He deserves to know what his butt buddy has been up to." Libel practically demanded Castiel say. "What is he talking about?" Sam said slouching in the background. "Can't you just leave them out of this Libel?" Castiel asked mad but yet, sad. "Oh silly Cas. They're already in it." Libel said as he crept closer to Castiel. "Will somebody tell us what's going on already?!" Dean demanded. "Yeah Cas would love to explain. Now do it!" Libel said getting really mad. "Fine! I will! He wants. You, Sam. And he will do anything to get you." Castiel said facing the ground disappointed. Sam stared in shock. Dean stared at Sam. Eyes tearing up. "Ooh. I can smell the emotions. Ewh. Well. I'll let you guys figure everything out. Until later." Libel said as he poofed out of the room. "What are we gonna do?!" Dean asked in a powerful voice. "Nothing. We give Sam to Libel." Castiel answers. "What?! We can't just give him Sam!" Dean said looking at Sam. "Sammy? C'mon! Get off of your phone! What are you doing?!" Dean yelled as Sam ignoring him while he was texting. "Sam? What are you doing?" Castiel asked putting emphasis on the 'are'. "Texting. Why?" Sam said confused. "Why?! Maybe because this isn't the best time to be texting! Libel wants you to turn on us!" Dean said answering why. "For your information, I'm texting Ashley. But I mean, if you don't want her here then I just wont press send.." Sam said with an attitude. Dean was silent. Sam sent the text saying 'Hey. Me n Dean need you. We are at the Sweet Dreams Motel. Its urgent. Hurry.' Ashley got the text. She read it and hurried out the door.

BAM! Ashley kicked open the door with her gun out screaming for Dean and Sam. They came out of the kitchen saying its alright, trying to calm her down. "Then why did you guys say it was urgent?!" Ashley yelled cunfused while putting her gun away. They both said "Libel" at the same time. "Who the hell is Libel?" Ashley said even more confused. "He's an angel who-" Sam started, then Dean finished, "who wants Sammy." "Wait, what do you mean by 'wants Sammy'?" Ashley asked, still confused as hell. "We're not sure. All we know is that he wants to take Sammy. Why, or what for, we dont know." Dean explained. "Well, he needs to get his ass over here and explain this!" Ashley said gaining volume towards the end. Ashley got on her phone and started to call someone. The boys were confused as to what she was trying to accomplish.

**Her convo**

:*A- Ashley* P- Mysterious Person on other end*

P- Hey. Is everything okay?

A- No. Some evil angel wants Sam. We're all freaking out. Can you come to the Sweet Dreams Motel?

P- Uhm.. What do you mean Wants Sam?

A- We dont know! Thats why we need your help! Just, can you come or not?!

P- Yeah, but I have another hunter with me..

A- Bring em. The more the merrier.

Ashley hung up, they boys were trying to figure out who she could've called. "Who was that?" Sam asked. "You'll find out when they get here." Ashley answered. "They?" Dean asked confused. "Yes. They. As in 2 people." Ashley said as she got a text.

The text read

"On our way. Closer than we thought. Be there in 30-60. Bye."

**1 hour later**

*Ding Dong* *Ding Dong*

"Its them." Ashley said sitting on the bed not even looking like she was gonna get up. Castiel finally did something other than just sitting down and listening to their conversations. He got up, and opened the door. "Hey there sweet pea!" Meggan said to Castiel as she let herself in. Two more hunters came in. Maddie and some guy. "Hey Maddie!" Ashley started. She pulled Meggan over to the side to talk to her. She whispered, "who's the guy?" "Oh. That's Kyle. Maddie met him on a hunt a couple months ago, they won't admit it but, they're kinda a thing." Maggan whispered back. They both giggled and went back to everyone else. Maddie introduced Kyle to everyone, name after name. "So are you guys, uhm, together?" Sam asked. "Well. Uhm-" Kyle started, but was cut off by Maddie, "It's complicated." Now things were kinda awkward. Sam replied, "oh. That's, uhm, nice." Sam said sounding noticeably jealous. Dean smirked, making Ashley and Meggan burst out in laughter. So now Ashley, Dean, and Meggan are all laughing, and everyone else was completely confused. "Okay, okay! Now, what was so urgent?" Meggan asked trying to stop laughing. "Oh yeah. There's this angel, Libel. And he uhh.. kinda wants.. Sam." Ashley answered the best she could. Everyone's jaw dropped.

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