Chapter 12: Losing Sam

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Everyone is completely shocked. Dean breaks the silence by attempting to make a joke, "I don't understand why he wants Sam, I mean, I'm the hot one!" Dean says ending it with a chuckle. He was the only one who found that funny. Ashley then slowly followed with a quiet, but noticeable, giggle. Everyone then started laughing quietly, except Castiel. The room fell silent when they realized the concerned look on Castiels face. "Cas? What's wrong?" Dean asked slowly walking towards Castiel. "I feel him." Castiel mumbled. "Cas, what are you talking about?" Ashley butted in. "He's here." Castiel mumbled again. Dean started getting mad with Castiel. "Son of a bitch Cas just answer us!" Dean yelled. Everyone exchanged awkward looks, then Castiel decided to speak up. "Libel, he's coming and he's close. I think he's mad." Castiel said walking towards the window to look for Libel. "We gotta hide sam!" Meggan spoke up. "There's no point. Libel will find him. Sam is on his radar, its too late. "Well we gotta try dont we?!" Maddie joined in. Sam and Dean started packing their things to leave whcih had everyone confused. "Dean? Sam? what are you guys doing?" Ashley asked. "If Libel is coming, we are leaving." Dean responded. "Dean, its too late Libel is too close." Kyle finally spoke up. "Listen! I dont wanna hear crap from anyone! Its my job to keep Sam safe so god dammit thats what Im gonna do!" Dean yelled at everyone. Dean grabbed his duffle bag full of stuff and walked towards the door. He opened the door.. BAM.. Dean went flying backwards into the wall far behind him. Libel then walked through the door with an evil smirk on him face. "Dean!" Ashley screamed as she ran to the kitchen table to get the angel knife. Libel didnt hesitate to throw her against the wall right next to Dean. Dean was slightly consience, he looked over at Ashley touched her head where she was bleeding, it was bad. He was filled with anger as he saw the woman he loved lose conscienceness and tried to get up, but didnt have the strength.

"Libel! Im right here! What do you want?!" Sam yelled getting Libels attention. "Ahh. Sammy-" Sam cut him off, "Only Dean can call me Sammy." "Oh hush Samuel! Now, now. No one has to get hurt if you just give me what I want." Libel stated. "Hey dumbass! You already injured two-" Meggan yelled then she was quikly cut off. "Ahh. Thats better. But watch it hun, or you'll be next." Libel threatened. Meggan slowly backed away scared of being his next victim. Libel was getting annoyed with everyone getting in the way to save Sam. "Samuel, come with me peacefully and no one will get hurt. But if you dont.." Libel threatened trailing off in the end knowing that everyone knows were he was going with it.  Sam agreed to go and started walking towards Libel when Ashley and Dean woke up. "Sammy!" Dean yelled as he quickly stood up. He started to run towards Sam, he was stumbling from getting up to fast after just getting back to conscienceness. Libel was fed up everyone trying to stop him before Dean could get to Sam he snapped his fingers and they were gone. Dean fell to the ground where Sam was just at. "Dean, it's okay we will get him back. He's smart, he wont do anything stupid." Ashley tried t assure him. "Dammit Ashley! Not everything is always gonna be okay! All Libel had to do was get Sam alone! Now he can do whatever the hell he wants!" Dean yelled at Ashley then quickly walked out the door, making sure he slammed it when he exited. Ashley could see the pain and anger in his eyes when he was screaming at her. She was confused, she didnt know what to do. Then it came to her, Castiel. He's an angel, just like Libel. "Cas!" She started waiting for him to aknowledge her until she continued. "Both you and Libel are angels. Can't you listen to him talking on the angel radio or something?" Ashley quickly suggested. "The radio doesnt work that way. I can only hear him if he is trying to contact one of us." "Can you try to find him in Heaven?" Meggan jumped in trying to help. "I can but there is a chance he didnt take Sam to heaven" Castiel replied, looking confused. "Whats that supossed to mean?" Maddie asked joining the conversation. "Libel took Sam, but he could still be on earth, even in this city. It'll take a while to find him, but I can try." Castiel replied. "Im gonna go try to find Dean." Ashley announced before walking out of the door. She looked around the parking lot and noticed the Impala was still there. She headed towards it then she saw Dean leaning on the car, she was about to speak up when she heard him talking. "Please, all I want is to find my brother" Dean prayed as his voice cracked at the end of the sentence. Ashley quickly walked up and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back just as tight. "We will find Sammy. I promise." Ashley whispered into his ear. They pulled apart and looked into eachother eyes. She saw the pain in his eyes and put her hand on his cheeck. They stared into each others eyes for a moment in silence. "Im sorry" Dean said breaking the silence. "Dont be" Ashley replied putting her hand on his shoulder. They both leaned in slowly, getting closer and closer, then kissed.

They were broken apart by noise of the door to the hotel lobby opening and hearing the voices of their friends. Everyone just stood and stared at each other for a moment. "Any plans?" Dean asked hoping no one was mad at him for is earlier outburst. "Not quite" Meggan answered. "Well, we'll figure something out." Ashley said looking at Dean with a slight smile. She grabbed and held his hand with Dean holding hers back. Ashley and Dean were whispering to each other wondering why Kyle wasnt speaking up on this matter, so Dean decided to be nosey. "Hey kid, why havent you said anything? Dean asked loud enough to get Kyles attention. "Oh uhm. No reason. I just uhm, have nothing to say." Kyle stammered. Dean quickly walked up to Kyle and slammed him on someones car by the neck filled with anger. "My brother is god knows where so you better start speaking up kid!" Dean screamed, then was quickly pulled off by Ashley and Maddie. "Dean, what the hell?!" Meggan screamed while helping Kyle. "I.. I.. Just.." Dean stuttered, then walked towards the impala getting in the drivers seat and starting the car. Everyone looked at each other with the 'what is he doing' look. Ashley went and sat in the divers seat and grabbed Deans hand off of the stearing wheel and looked him in the eye. All they did was stare into each others eyes and in the end they nodded. Ashley didnt have to say a word because she knew that he already knew what she would say. Ashley opened the door and yelled, "Lets go get that son of a bitch!" Dean laughed at her because she used his phrase 'son of a bitch' and everyone piled in the back seat. They noticed that Castiel hadnt gotten in and was just standing infront of the car. Ashley got out to go get Castiel. "Cas, are you coming?" She asked putting her hand on his shoulder to get his attention. "Im sorry, but I cant let you do this" Castiel said, then put his pointer and middle finger up to Ashleys forhead making her fall to the ground unconscience. "Ashley!" Dean yelled running out of the car to Ashley. Everyone quickly followed, except Kyle.


A/N ~

I have a feeling not many people like my book so Ive decided to end it soon. If you really do like it comment or inbox me and Ill decide whether I want it to go on more or not. Im deciding on writing another book after this one. Let me know what you guys think. PLEASE! Recommend to your friends for me pleaseeeeee!!! ;*

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