Verse One - Danny (EDITED)

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 Breathing heavily, I wanted everything to just go away. George loves Jorel, not me. I have to deal with that. Why would George Ragan want me, Danny Murillo, the American Idol reject? There's nothing good about me. I hear voices, my hips are torn to shreds from my only real friend, I'm not attractive at all, and nothing is good about me! I wipe the tears away as I write the lyrics that came to my mind out, trying not to get my tears on the ink. Dylan is always telling me that there's something good inside of all of us. Well not for me. Inspiration flows into my body, making the lyrics just start pouring out.

I can't believe,

That when I breathe,

There's something good inside of me...

Just one good thing inside of me.

So close to me,

That memory,

Of that one good thing inside of me....

Just one good thing inside of me.

I set my pen down, stand up and slide my sneakers on. I need to show this to Dylan. Grabbing the notepad I had written on, I rush out, practically running to the Mexican's house, which was almost block away. The bottom of my sneakers slap loudly against the concrete of the sidewalk as I sprint around a corner. Finally, I see my destination, the pale gray house of my best friend Dylan. I open the door and run into the living room, then smack dab into a firm chest, which knocked me to the ground or so I thought, but two arms grab me and pull me back into the chest.

"Danny, are you okay?" George asks, sounding worried.

"I'm fine, just let go." I choke out, feeling tears form in my eyes, which I hastily wipe away.

He lets his arms drop, and I stare down at my shoes, catching a glimpse of the fucking wedding band on his fucking left hand with a fucking dollar sign engraved on the fucking front. Anger engulfs me and I blink away the remainder my tears before snapping my head up and glaring at the beautiful face of a married man. He looked taken aback as I shove him out of my way; I storm over to Dylan, who was standing in the other doorway of his living room in shock. I grab his arm and drag him upstairs to his room, hoping Matt wasn't in there naked or something. Luckily, I heard the shower going, so I knew the drummer of our band wasn't going to hear my lyrics.

"What's wrong bro?" Dylan asks, sounding more than concerned for me.

"I wrote some lyrics and I want you to listen to them." I explain, glancing at the door, which was wide open.

Dylan walks over quickly and shuts it, before returning to my side. He gestures for me to sit on his bed but I knew what more than likely happened in it a few hours ago, so I shook my head. He shrugs and sits on it, whereas I take a seat on the floor a few feet away, not even cringing as I feel a few cuts busting open; but smiling at the pain. I look to my hands, which didn't have the notepad in them. Oh my god. Fuck! I guess I will have to go from memory; I take a deep breath and begin singing.

"I can't believe,

That when I breathe,

There's something good inside of me...

Just one good thing inside of me.

So close to me,

That memory,

Of that one good thing inside of me...

Just one good thing inside of me."

I finish, looking up at the Mexican and see him looking very awed and sad at the same time.

"Danny, are they back?" He asks, referring to the voices of George and his husband planting seeds of self-hatred and despair in the back of my head.

"Yes." I say shakily, trying to keep myself together but failing as I hear something in the back of my head.

For fuck's sake Danny you're such a fucking pussy no wonder my husband didn't want your pathetic ass! Jorel's voice sneers and I lose it, letting the tears fall as I start sobbing uncontrollably into Dylan's carpet.

Before I knew it, he's on the floor next to me, holding me tightly to his chest as it all fell apart.

"Why doesn't h-he l-love m-me?" I wail, rocking back and forth in his arms.

"Because he's an asshole and doesn't realize what a beautiful and caring man you are Daniel." Dylan coos, stroking my hair as I get the overwhelming urge to sleep.

"I-I'm so w-w-worthless Dylan!" I cry, yawning shallowly as my vision gets blurry.

"Maybe you should sleep honey, you look like Hell." He murmurs into my ear and I nod sleepily.

He stands up, still holding me to his chest but, now supporting me fully. Dylan walks over to his bedroom door, opening it and walking down the hallway to the guest room and opening the door. He places me carefully on the bed after a few moments of walking. He then covers me up before turning to leave. A small cry escapes my throat; I didn't want him to leave. My best friend turns around and looks at me in surprise before sighing.

"Danny, I will be right back, okay?" he whispers and I nod again sleepily, yawning softly.

He walks quickly out the door and back to his room, no doubt to tell Matty what is going on. Those two are the only ones in the band that know of my struggles and problems. I snuggle into the vanilla scented pillows and close my eyes. Minutes go by, as I tried to focus on relaxing enough to fall asleep. I was just on the edge of falling asleep when I felt the bed dip down and a familiar scent of Dylan Alvarez, vanilla mixed with a hint of weed, was around me.

"Hey Dan." He whispers, as I roll towards him, scooting in close.

"Hey Dyl." I say back, and yawn, feeling him kiss my forehead as I drift off.

"Sleep well bro." Dylan murmurs sleepily.

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