Verse Four - J3T

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I sigh, running a hand through my hair, Jorel left crying hours ago. I don't even think we're going to make it much longer if we keep fighting like this. He's so jealous all the time, claiming that Danny has a thing for me. He always gets so moody when Danny is mentioned. My husband is constantly isolating me from the others, as if he didn't want to share me.

I look down at the notepad Danny dropped, reading it. It seemed to be some lyrics; they were depressing to say the least. Does he really feel this way? Poor kid. I wish I could talk to him but he always seems to act so hostile towards me, I wonder if he's okay. I hope that he's okay; he's my best friend, one of my brothers.

I miss spending time with him. All he does when the band is recording is sing his parts perfectly then go outside for a smoke. During tours he stays in his bunk half the time and the other half of the time he is with Dylan and Matt. He's changed since Jorel and I got married, and I want to know why. I pick up a pen, wanting to add to his lyrics.

Don't you know, little boy, they'll lay you to waste man

Danny used to be so innocent, shy and sweet. He was like a little kid when he replaced Deuce, so careful not to do anything to upset the fans. Over these last two years he's been slowly changing. I've seen the hurt and pain in his hazel eyes. I've seen the small portions of food he eats on tour. I've seen the scars on his skin. He doesn't know what I've seen.

Little do they know every song is a life span

I reread Danny's lyrics. He can't believe that when he breathes that he's got something good inside of him. That's not true. Danny's full of good. He's the nicest and most caring person I know! How could he think that way about himself? Then it clicked, somebody must've hurt him so deep that he doesn't even want to live anymore.

Never taken one, but I'm taking my last chance

I reach for my phone, wanting to call Danny but I see the time, it was past two in the morning. He's definitely asleep; I know how much he loves to sleep. Hopefully he's stopped having those nightmares, I wish I could hold him like I used to. Both hands resting on his chest, making sure he was okay. Hollywood Undead is all I've ever known; I didn't have a backup plan if we didn't succeed, none of us did.

To hold all we know and let go with both hands

Oh, don't you know that clouds are made from concrete?

Right through the stone, can you hear my heart beat?

Beats through my bones like the memory left me

I rip out the page with our lyrics on it, and get up, taking my pen with me. I find myself in Jorel and I's bedroom. A sigh escapes me as I sit on the edge of our bed where Jorel sleeps and click on the lamp on the nightstand of Jorel's side. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I tap on Matt's contact, knowing he'd be awake, and hit send. It starts ringing, one, two, three - before he answers.

"George?" He asks.

"Yeah, I want to know what's up with Danny. What are you and Dylan hiding from the rest of us?" I demand.

"I can't tell you all of it but I can tell you part of it." Matt sighs and I wait quietly.

"He's in love. But the person he loves is with somebody else. He's taken a turn for the worst in the last year or so. He refuses to get help, but he's hurting so bad." He replied.

"I've seen the scars." I inform the screamer.

"He's been to hell, he started hearing voices in his head man." Matt tells me.

"I want to help." I state.

"He doesn't want help, especially from you." He snaps.

"Why not-" I begin but he hangs up.

"Great." I groan, looking back at the paper in my hands, feeling inspired.

Not for a second or a minute when I dream

I wanna go home like the home that I keep

You can dig six or sixty-six feet

We can live forever still your misery missed me

Hold this song together with a bottle of whiskey

Look into the mirror at the lines that time drew

Seen em painted white and the eyes that shined through

My heart beats heavy in an open chest

And I wanna say goodbye but there's nobody left

I fold up the paper, and place it on the nightstand. Rolling onto the bed fully, I lean over, clicking off the lamp and pull the comforter up, covering myself. It's been years since I slept alone, so I stretch out, missing J's warmth already. I hope Jorel and Danny are both okay right now, sound asleep in a warm bed without any nightmares. My husband probably went to Jordon's, which reassured me, he would be safe tonight without me. I close my eyes.

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