Verse Seven - Danny

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Jordon and I had just got to his house an hour ago. Each time he asked me if I was okay I blushed like a schoolgirl. I just have a minor concussion, calm down Scene. He had just finished settling me on his couch, cooing over me like I was a child. It just made my blush worse as he settled down at the end of the couch near where my head was at then places my head in his lap. Jordon just started petting my dark hair but stops as his phone starts to ring.

"Hello?" He asks hesitantly, trying not to sound annoyed.

"Okay - George calm down - Danny here." Jordon puts the phone to my ear.

"Danny! J-Jorel tried to k-kill himself! I'm on my way to the Emergency Room with him in an ambulance. He's u-unconscious! Danny get the guys and meet me there." The blue masked rapper says urgently, I could hear it in his voice as it cracked several times that he was edging on hysteria.

"We're on our way. Just keep him alive Johnny. He'll be okay, I promise." I tell him gently and Jordon looks at me with wide eyes.

"O-Okay. We're just pulling into the hospital I have to go." George replies and the line went dead.

"We need to get to the hospital now." I tell Jordon and he nods quickly.

Jordon picks me up and carries me to the car and we head back to the Emergency Room. I get out my phone and dial Dylan's number quickly after putting on my seatbelt. After two rings I realize that he probably isn't going to answer, he and Matt were going to Del Taco to eat. I hang up and groan, making Jordon look at me. My phone rings and I see it was Dylan. Thank the Gods!

"Danny, what'd ya need?" The Mexican asks and I shake my head.

"Get Matty and get the fuck to the Emergency Room. J's dying. We'll explain when you get there." I brief and hang up.

My leg starts to bounce nervously; I could feel my breathing getting messed up as my eyes dart around the car. Jordon turns on the radio and places a hand on my leg to stop its movements. I look over at him as I hear the beginning of Make A Move by Icon For Hire coming from the speakers. He smiles reassuringly at me and I couldn't help but smile back as the tightness in my chest starts to go away. Once again I find myself blushing at the loving gaze he gave me.

"Everything will be okay Danny Boy." He tells me and I believed him.

"Okay." I say as we pull into the hospital and get out just as Dylan's Miata pulls up beside us.

We rush all four rush to the Emergency Room. Sitting in the waiting room was George with his head in his hands. It broke my heart to see him like this; I know Jorel is everything to him. What in the world could've made J snap? What made him want to die? Sure he told me when we were at my hotel that he and George had been fighting but it couldn't have been that bad, could it? I sit down next to George and put a hand on his shoulder. He jumps and looks up at us with bloodshot eyes.

"Okay, tell us what happened." Matt suggests and Johnny nods, tears streaking down his face.

"When Danny was in the emergency room, J told me he had a headache! So he went home to take a nap! B-But he d-didn't! He s-slit his wrist and wrote lyrics on the walls with his blood! And then he took a bunch of sleeping pills I had got him for his nightmares! He drank a bottle of vodka and got in the bath. I heard him whisper something as I ran in, that sounded like "goodbye Johnny", I could tell he had just drifted off. I picked him up and put pressure on his wrist as I called 911. Then when the ambulance got there they loaded him up and he was so pale Matt! He wasn't breathing or moving or anything! I was so worried! I called Jordon and talked to Danny and then he must've called Dyl. Now you're all here. They're pumping J's stomach right now they stitched up his wrist in the ambulance. He's stable as far as I know..." George explains, still crying but with more control.

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