Chapter 5

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Ces: Since its National I Love You Day--- I updated! Which you'd like it! I LOVE YOU MY BELOVED READERS!


Chapter 5 "Bond"

Dipper's POV

I gasped, passing each tree. My chest started to squeeze in but I continued to run. My once noddle arms are now having a shape, I climbed a tree and looked around. Nothing. I jumped down, my feet feel so numb. I cant run anymore. But I had to.

Where are you Soos, Mabel?

I couldn't even reach them on their phones! I clicked my tongue, worry washing over me. And shit, my forearm that is where my tattoo is burning like hell. What the hell do you want Bill!?

He wont answer. I bit my lower lip, trying to focus myself. Where the hell did they even go in 30 seconds while I'm talking? Did someone kidnapped them or worst... Many possibilities washed over me, I couldn't think straight. Where are they?

I regretting every inch of my body, I gain a new determination and ran again. I shouted their name many times. My breath is becoming hazy. And damn this hair! I stopped, hiding my hair inside my hat and started running again. Atleast that way it wont be a bother.

I think 30 minutes had passed. And I still couldn't find them. I'm already at the deep part of the forest. I cant even know where I am but I sat on a boulder, elbows resting on my knees. My knees. Theyre wounded. I tripped a couple of times, I even had a cut on my chin but I dont care. I'm used to pain. As said by the dream demon, pain is halarious.

I laughed dryly "Shit.. W-Where the fuck are you guys?" I hissed, getting sleepy. But I couldn't sleep. Mabel.. Mabel I wish you weren't in trouble atleast. Sweat beads rolled on my neck, the pain on my forearm continues but I chose to ignore it. But it hurts like hell. I groaned. I feel the whole world just hates me. I'm suffering through helplessness and regret right now. I took a stand up and felt collapsing and I did. I thought I can feel the dirt now on my face until none though.

I fell into something warm, I slowly opened my eyes and a pair of hands holding me by shoulder my head laying in someone's chest

"Woah there, Pine Tree. You okay?" It was Bill. I have no energy to be annoyed or get angry so I only gripped on his tail coat. I cant move anymore. I feel so weak than I used to, I thought. He fell silent and carried me like a princess, I was going to retard back but I cant. I was already comfortable on his arms.

He started walking to who knows where. But I was regaining some of my energy back. I guess thats a good thing. I didnt know where we arrived but I think its a much more proper flower field that I never knew. He laid me down, my wounds stinging by the flowers touched also the leaves. I opened my eyes, still hazy "Where the heck are we?" I muttered

He smiled, holding his cane on his hand "On a flower field. Just rest for now." He ordered, not too demanding but followed.

I am sleepy anyways but for some reason, I cant just sleep as I can. I only laid there, my eyes darted up on the sky. There's no trees in this field, only at the surroundings. Its peaceful. I never thought they'll be a flower field in here, I thought

"Well, of course." Bill stated, he looked at some distance "Shooting Star and you only saw a part of this forest. You haven't seen all thing" He answered

I gained some energy to answer "Its still amazing so.." I chuckled "Mabel will love this place. She always loves flowers." I muttered, sitting upright and picked different colored of the flower's surrounding us. I felt Bill sat next to me but has a safe distance "What are you doing?" He questioned

I smiled, as if I'm braiding someone's hair "I think, I'm making a flower crown" I remembered how Mabel always makes this while we're in our garden. She always makes me this kind of stuff, and I always watched her how to do it. Reaching the final end, I hooked it up and ended it. I smiled proudly, it came out beautifully. Taking a glance to the demon beside me, he was staring at it intensely. I giggled, putting it on his head. His golden eye widen, staring now at me "Pine Tree?" He muttered

"It looks good on you!" I chirped "I guess blue and white is your color too" I stated, tugging the excess hair at the back of my ear.

He touched it, for the first time. I saw his pale cheeks turn pinkish red. I blinked, couldn't believe it "W-Wait.. Are you blushing?" I teased. He pressed his lips together "Of course I am not!" He's too defensive "Its only the sun" He stated the obvious

"Its the middle of the day, Bill"

He got more frantic "S-Shut up." I only laughed, I felt enough strenght on me. I stood up, my knees feel numb but I can still walk. A hand on my hip, I looked around "This place is really beautiful. Hey," I called his attention to me "Can I bring Mabel here sometimes?" I requested

Bill stood up, its amazing that he's using his feet "It doesn't matter to me." He stated, still has the crown on his head. I couldn't help but to smile, he really looks cute in that flower crown, I thought.

Realization hit me fast and I blushed, hiding my face away. I can hear him snickered "Oh? I'm cute?" He teased. I panicked, shooking my head to cover my redden cheeks "I-Its nothing! Anyway, I should go back to the shack. Maybe, just maybe, they are there" I stated, having this tingly sensation on my chest.

Bill snapped his fingers and I saw the flowers' petals floated around. My eyes widen, amazed "What.. How" I looked at him, he smiled "Its a thanks." He stated and I dont understand but its amazing. I wish Mabel can see this, I thought and giggled.

I turned to him, smiling so sweetly "Your welcome, Bill"


Third Person's POV

After the scenarios, Dipper made her way back to the shack but still kept an eye where she last saw Soos and Mabel [They must have come back] She's now worried but had a hope they'll be fine. Passing each tree and finally saw the shack. She took a note to the way from the flower field. Stepping out from the woods, her eyes widen. She saw Mabel, Soos talking to the Grunkles in haste, worried looking by Mabel. Her heart ached and ran, tears stinging on her eyelids [Mabel..] She wanted to shout but cant.

Uncle Ford noticed Dipper running at them, his eyes lift up the worry and smiled in relief "Dipper?" He muttered. Mabel's ears perked up and turned around, she was already enveloped by a hug she always but rare to felt. Her eyes widen, knowing this person, Tears fell from her cheeks, she cried, hugging back.

Dipper laughed, hiccuping "Y-Youre okay! You really are.." She muffled her sobs on Mabel's neck. She was dead worried and now relieved like a peacock [She's okay... Mabel, she's okay...] She thought, thankful for God.

Mabel nods, patting her hat but expecting her hair "Wh-What the hell, dum dum.. I should be the one saying that.." She whispered. She hugged back tighter, relieved that her twin sister is here beside her again. She sighed "I love you, you diphead" She couldn't say another way how helpless she is when they couldn't find her.

Dipper chuckled "I love you too, sis" She confessed. They hugged each other like no one is looking. This is how strong their bond is. No matter where they are, how lost, misguided. They'll find their way to see each other again. Yes, they will fight alot. But that what makes this sisterly bond more stronger, tighter and happier.

Grunkle Stan and Uncle Ford looked at each other, sighing in relieved at unision and brofist. Yes, they do that. Soos grins happily. Thinking, atleast their okay.

And somewhere around them, Bill's lips curved into a small smile, arms crossed out on his chest. One of his hand holding his cane, he chuckled "I should have told her that it was me who made them split up" His eyes glow red in color, but he's not in rage "There's still time." He turned away, eyes turned blue.

"Look at that, someone is calling me." He snapped his fingers, and poof! He is in his demon body, the yellow triangle, the dorito chip.

"Its Showtime~"


Ces: So.. Its short. Yah, I know. Thanks for reading!

Words: 1490

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