Chapter 23

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Ces: Heyya!


Chapter 23 "Mixer-Masher"

Third Person's POV

Dipper and the boy is now enveloped by the enourmous light coming from the door. The heat was there, biting into their skin. Dipper wanted to ask the boy if he's alright but, he took a step in. Yet she has to follow. They resisted and walked further inside, the heat slowly disappeared and felt coldness inside the room. Then, the light disappeared revealing a weird-looking throne room. The room was made by lava rocks. Rectangular windows between every columns, which is pouring lifeless red color. Dipper doesn't want to think what is that. The boy stood next to her much more closer, trembled by the place.

Without hesitation, she lift up the boy and carried him "Dipper?" He muttered, surprised by the action. Dipper only nods "You scared?" She questioned

The boy bit his lower lip, he hesitantly nodded. He always knew he was a coward. Dipper only smiled by that, carrying him tightly "Dont worry. I'm here. This Dipper wont let anyone hurt 'ya, kid!" She exclaimed, winking.

The boy felt his lips curve, gripping on her shoulder. He felt safe.

They walked out of the room and by then met a maze-like hallways. Dipper sweatdropped [What? What is this? Am I inside Death Cure or something?] They walk and walked. There was no lights, only the lit up lavas or fires around them make light. There we're cracks, holes and even wrecked up windows. Dipper took a peak outside, only to see a huge volcano at the right and at the left are more shadow people. She estimated that it been 20 minutes.

"So-" Dipper started "Can you remember anything?" She started a conversation

The boy blinked "Huh? Of course!" This made Dipper halt, looking at him "I thought you didnt remember anything?" She asked

"About myself, is I dont remember"


Dipper started to walk again "How did you even get here?" She questioned

The boy shrugs "The last thing I remember is that," -eyes turned distant- "I was having an argument with my big sister" He murmured.

Dipper looked at him, surprised. The boy sighed "I didnt even know what are we arguing about but-" He frowned deeply "-I feel sorry about it, guilty." He stated

"You have a sister?"

The boy nodded

"Whats her name? What does she look like?"

This made the boy smile again, hyped up to be precise "She has black hair that ended until her shoulders and, and! Yellow eyes!" He explained, briefly.

[Yellow eyes..?] Dipper thought, her head throbbed but didnt showed any pain on her face.

"She got Mom's genes anyways. While I,-" He pointed at himself, proudly "I look a lot like my Dad! Because of the curly hair!" He exclaimed. Then, he looked at Dipper, observing her.

"Now that you look at it" The boy grins "You look like a lot like my big sister. The only difference that you have brown hair and eyes." He felt sense of relief on himself, seeing his sister's expressions just from Dipper.

Dipper felt embarassed by the stare, she smiled shookly "Is that so? What was her name?" She questioned, curious about this big sister is.

"Natalie. My big sister, Natalie."

[Natalie, huh.] "Well, I have a big sister too." She sounded so ridiculous saying that, pointing out Mabel "Although we are twins. She's 5 minutes earlier older than me." She explained, shurgging.

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