Random yet Important Scene at Chapter 18 and 19

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Ces: What a long title. Lol. This is not seen at Chapter 18 nor 19. Just something that I've been slapped about.


RIS "What if's"

Dipper's POV

I heard from Mabel that we are good to go tomorrow. Thats a good thing. I can, probably, walk now. Although my balance is still not that good, I dont want to sit on a freakin' wheel chair. But I know Mabel will always give me a hand. She always does. Thats what makes her perfect.

Right now, its sunset. Mabel was the only one here with me. The others went back to take home some stuffs not needed so tomorrow wont be that much of a hassle. Its still funny that Grunkle Stan is so, worried and concern. Even after a lot of happened, I'm still not used to it. But, I have to now. We are living on the same wrecked up roof.

Mabel is right beside me, holding my hand. In some times, she'll squeeze it and smile at me so sweetly. Making me blush sometimes. Just what if, Mabel did had a boyfriend? What if she did gone committed with someone? Someone who'll love her forever and so truly. Will she smile at him just like what she is doing to me? What if she'll just smile for him like that and not for me? I'm too scared to see her turn her back at me. I'm just too possessive again.

"Hey, Dip-head. I found this earlier." Mabel pulled out an acorn.

I was confused. Whats so good about an acorn? "Thats an acorn, Mabel." I say.

She laughed "I know. The squirrels we're having a fight about it. To stop the fight, I took it and ran away." She says

I sighed "Well thats a way to make peace between squirrels." I muttered my answer. If its peace-making her actions are stupider than expected but it always ended the fight.

Well, I guess thats why Grunkle Stan and Uncle Ford became friends again. All buddy and stuff. Its been better.

I smiled by that. I wonder. What if, they didn't made up at all? Will Stan actually leave the Shack and go away? We wont be seeing each other again?

Just, thinking that makes me quite sick. We might have bad terms before, but I came to understand Stan. He just want attention. And yet, at first, he got it. Until everything turned sour.

I'm glad that Mabel and I didn't turned like them completely. We had misunderstandings too but we are good and I came to get used at saying the three words back at her without hesitation anymore. I'm glad, somehow, that the End of the World thing happened. If not, maybe, I'll never knew what Mabel wanted.

I coughed, making Mabel flinched with a sudden worry on her face "Are you okay? Did you drink your medicine earlier?" She questioned.

I nodded. Atleast blood ain't dripping anymore. I took a breath in, my throat hurts. "Y-Yeah.. My throat is just itchy, thats all." I halfly lie.

She smiled in relief but I can tell it was force. She knew I'm lying. Yet she didn't said anything and went on a another topic.

"So, I heard from Wendy that Gideon is coming back?" Oh. That.

I scoffed "I wont let him get away again with you." I hissed.

"Oh come on. Give him a chance."

"What. Its just like yesterday you hated him and now, you're defending him?" Thats quite new.

She smiled "Well. He did helped me from saving my life back then, yeah?" Oh. Not the guilt and conscience trip.

I bit my lower lip. He did, helped us. Without me guilt tripping him also about Mabel, she wont be here right now. And maybe, the End of the World actually happened worldwide.

I sighed annoyingly "Fine. If he touched you, I'll curse him." I threatened.

She chuckled "Before he even touch me, I'll smash his perfectly handsome face." She say, as a joke, I think?

But I do say. He did have his charms. Maybe I just didnt saw it since he is flabby back then. And the massive hair he has. I just dont know if his hair is dyed, like Pacifica or what.

"Hey, Dipper."


"Was it a accident?"

I hitched a breath. Did she just asked that? I gulped. I cant lie to her now. She has pleading eyes. I bit my lower lip, and shooked.

"I-It wasn't, Mabel.." I muttered my answer.

Her face paled, her hands shaked.

I took a breath in "I know there's a truck infront of me. I have time to jump away but I didnt do it. Instead, I stood there. Facing death." I say.

I know its harsh but, somehow. That is what I wanted. I dont know why. Was I just suicidal? I chewed the insides of my mouth. I fiddled with my fingers, having trouble of answering.

"Look, Mabel. I--"

"Why, Dipper? Why did you want to die?" She asked, tears were threatning to fall.

Now, it was much more harder to answer her. I gulped. I couldn't tell her the whole truth. It was just me. Being different, too different from her.

"I just.. I dont know, Mabel." I let out a laugh but died sharply.

"I'm not suicidal. But, if someone held a gun on my head to kill me. I would laugh at his face and say go ahead. I wouldn't beg for my shit life. No, I'm not suicidal. But if there's an opportunity that I will die without killing myself. I'll probably take it."

Because I know, I wasn't good enough for this world.

There was a very long silence between us. The fizzle sound of the air condition is the only thing we can hear. The air was very cold or was it the stare that Mabel is giving to me?

I shooked my head. "I'm sorry for saying all of this Mabel. This time, I'm sure, I'm not lying anymore." If only this words are also true.

She grabbed both of my hands, squeezing it. Her eyes were cold but turned into a sincere one. She smiled softly. "I'm glad you told me your true thoughts, Dipper." She says. "You know what? I dont care. What matters now is that you are alive. Maybe, thats not the time yet to die. I'm sure someone is protecting you." Her voice was very concerned by the end.

Someone is protecting me? I tilt my head, confused "Will that be you?" I asked.

She shaked her head, eyes stayed sincere. "Nope. Just someone, very, very close to you." She says. I leaned slightly on her, hoping to know this person.

"Someone who is more closer than Mabel?"

She nodded.

"Who is she?"

She laughed. "Its not a girl, its a boy." She says.

A boy? Things got more interesting. "Who is he? Can you tell me?" I begged for the unknown man's name.

She shooked, pecking my head, whispering on my ear.

"Not today, Dipper. But he's always watching."

What if, he was someone I know? What if, that if he wasn't really protecting me? What if, he was only acting to be nice for me so he could lead me to his death trap? Why are this questions popped in?

I dont understand but, there was this gut feeling. I'm sick. I must have been. I squeezed her hands, nodding. "Yeah.." I say.

Just what if..

What if he's the death of me by the end?


Ces: Done! Dont expect to the next chappie. HAHAHAHA.

Words: 1276

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