Chapter 10

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Ces: -Baby youre so Classic! *singing* Since its Christmas, I'll update! Lol.


Chapter 10 "Classic"

Dipper's POV

"Oh hey, Wendy." I heard Robbie greeted the red-haired. It appears Wendy and him are already in good terms. Robbie is until now with Tabry, I think theyre already at their who knows what year. Who knows? Wendy on the other hand is still single, psh. They chatted about something as I just dazed away on the distance, the shack is still empty since it just opened. Its quite boring today, though.

Without noticing it, I felt finger poking my cheek. I groaned, rolling my eyes "What is it now, Mabel?" I muttered, looking at her. She giggled, retrieving her finger "Whats with the very long face, Dip?" She questioned

I shooked "Its nothing. Just thinking."

"What is you are thinking?"

"Something else, Mabel. Dont bother me." I groaned, pushing her face away from mine's. She laughed, stepping away. She looks completely different from me, she's more sparkly than I am. As me, I dont sparkle like her. I'm even thinking if I had to be like her or just play as me? The me as Dipper Pines. Not what I'm really is. I just dont know. Then, Grunkle Stan came out with his usual suit and that eyepatch of him "Well kids! Today we're having a party!" I blinked as Mabel squeled in delight, jumping up and down "Oh my gosh, really!?" She almost strangled Grunkle Stan "Are. You. Sure!?" She exclaimed. Grunkle Stan laughed almighty with both of his hands on his hips "I am 100% sure!" Then he turned serious.

I, looked at him, bored. Mabel biting her lower lip, keeping the screams inside "I want someone to post this flyers on the town. And- I chose you Dipper." Uhg. I knew it. I pushed myself away from the counter and grabbed the handful of flyers, making my way out the door "Yeah yeah. See 'ya" I waved and started to make my way to the town.

As I arrived, I passed to some people and posted the others. It was nice, atleast. I got to pass time without even realizing. I passed by to the, amazingly still the mayor, Tyler. Is he always wearing that satch? I grinned at him, handing him out the flyer "Hey there, Mayor! We would like it if you come to the Summer-ganza Party in the Mystery Shack by 7, sharp!" I chirped. And I still cant believe he retained his youngness after 6 years. Mental note; Tyler. He smiled, as if he wasn't "I would glad to!" He took it and walked away, muttering his famous line. I continued and do. While giving one to another one, a limousine stopped infront of me. And I just know who is it, I smiled wide by that. The window slid down and was about greet until I noticed it was Pacifica's parents. I froze, she was inside with a sorrowful expression.

"Are you the boy who she kept seeing everynight?" His father, sternly, looked at me.

I looked back, glaring. Hell. I ain't afraid of you. "Everynight? We just became friends a few days ago." I paused "And, I am a goddamn woman." I hissed, is it that not noticable? Well my hair is hidden afterall

Then, Pacifica made her action, she grabbed her father's shoulder "Dad! I told you it wasn't a guy! Its a- girl!" She squeked

Her father glared and rang a bell, she quieted down. That made me angry more. Her parents stepped out of the car, facing me directly. Her father glared at me "Dont you dare put my daughter in your disgusting environment!" Uh. Excuse me? People started to encircled on us, Pacifica stepped out of the car, worried.

"Excuse me?" I rose an eyebrow "Disgusting? Are you serious? You guys are in a rural town! If you think its disgusting then how about you leave? We will be so happy for you to leave!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air. I put my foot down "And, youre family is a fraud! I always thought you guys are just the worst, the Northwest is! But, Pacifica changed that! So dont you dare let her goodness be a bad thing! She's a great and independent person. She can handle on her own." Then I remembered something. I pulled out a flyer and hand it over to her, she took it, fazed "At 7. Dont be late!" I chirped.

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