Chapter 32

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Ces: If Dipper is a girl from the start, I want her to be like this. Dont mind the triangle earing, I dont want Dipdop to have an earing.


Chapter 32 "The Chase; The Tea Party"

Third Person's POV

After the whole lie thing. It was quiet between the two. Having their own hurtful comments about their stupid feelings at each other. Like, why did they even like her or him!? Or something like that. Lets check their heads. First of, Dipper.

Dipper was quiet, her eyes staring at the row of never ending ground for them. She might be in silence but she's already grumbling on her head.

I knew it! I knew he wont like me back. And yet I still pushed myself to liking him and now what happened to me! I am head over heels rejected because of him! Fuck! I hate myself and this fragile sub conscious of mine! I hate him! I hate him! Move on!

Now that settles it. Now, next to the smiley although quiet one Bill.

I got rejected for the first time in my whole after life! The first one! And a human rejected me! Normally, I am the one who reject girls and now, I'm getting rejected at? I'm hurt! Badly! Who would even reject a handsome guy like me? Goddammit! I seriously have to meet other people, and this time, not a human.

Both of them are frustrated mentally but physically they share a stupid, pained, fake smile. They have the same pace once again, only though just by the breaths.

Dipper stole a glance from the demon beside her. She never felt so stupid for liking him. It was dumb, dumber than ever. She clenched her chest, she wanted to know. Why? Fate is playing with her again. And that hurts her.

While having her drama, her senses kicked and whipped her head at the back. Bill noticed her sudden movement and unintentionally turned around too. Both of them saw nothing.

"Whats wrong, Pine Tree?" Bill asks.

"I thought.." Dipper whispered. She felt someone is following them. She squinted her eyes. Someone has to be. Her senses doesn't lie to her, ever. She narrowed her eyes to Bill, who's looking at her, skeptical.

We have to run.

Bill read her thoughts. And he knows what it means. He smirks, nodding. That made Dipper smirk also. With a turn of a heel, as they share one breath in.


They sprinted together, startling the pair who is following them.

Dipper and Bill ran and ran, passing each tree. Until they saw a two pathways in different ways, left or right. Between the pathways are a sign, written:

Left <--- Rabbit's Hole

Hatter's Tea Party ---> Right

"What the hell with these signs?" Dipper says, checking out for other clues about this. Because she is certain that this is the stupidest things she saw for this whole weird thing called Line Up.

Bill scanned the area also, checking the pair that is following them but it looks like they lost them. "Signs? It tells which path we are going though." He says, like its the most obvious thing ever.

"It doesn't seems weird? This happens now only." She paused. "And I dont trust this signs. Especially this path." She pointed at the right one. She knows who's this Hatter is and that is the 9-year old kid and with that charming genie, Cadmian.

"What will you choose though?" Bill suddenly asked. He was new about this new signs too, he never encounters to like this back then. Well, most likely the reason is his human dies easily or just a coward and backs out, in the end, dying easily.

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