Chapter 22

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Ces: May the chapter rest in your hands.


Chapter 22 "White Abyss"

Third Person's POV

Dipper slowly opened her eyes, adjusting her eyes on the sudden light that blinks on top of her. But it wasn't just any light. It was a small ball of light infront of her, she acted fast and crawl away from it. Dipper was confused, she thought she died. Where is she? The safe heaven? She doesn't understand any of this.

"This is getting creepier by the minute." She rest a hand on her hip, observing the ball of light. "Its like a firefly. But with no wings." [Either body. Just, a ball of light.] She unconsciously smiled by the warmth coming from that ball. The warmth reminds her something important, it soon led to Mabel, then to someone she cant seem to remember. But the name was there, at the tip of her tongue. She sighed, letting it go. Soon, the ball moved at the other side then sway away, it was even jumping up and down. As if its asking Dipper to follow it. She took the signal fast but thinked first. [What if this is one of Marie's traps?] Thinking that, she didnt even noticed that she was already following it.

She silently cursed by her idiotism in things, like these.

Slowly, step in and out. Her mind wandered around. How many days has gone by? Do Mabel already noticed she was gone? Did Soos went to the hospital and told Mabel? What happened to Uncle Ford? Moreover, what will happen to her now?

Suddenly, the ball of light vanished. Dipper froze on her spot, turning her head left to right, confused. [What am I going to do now? Where's the light?] Silence overlapped the whole room, place or what you think is. It sends shivers on her spine, terrified to where Mariella taken her, captive. Then, a dumb realization struck her, her eyebrow rised "What? So she was planning to trap me here to who know when and where?" She growled to nonetheless. Her feet tapping the ground, impatiently. Arms folded under her chest. The air was so heavy, maybe because it was so silent.

Yet, she feel uneasy. What will happen? Is this some kind of trap, once again? She sighed heavily "Okay. Come on. Whoever made me wake up here or what, show up. I'm tired and--" she pressed her stomache "--my tummy isn't injuried at all. Neither my throat is." She muttered, only noticing it now.

Most of all, she doesn't feel any pain from her. She still remembered what happened. Her, being sucked in a shadowy arms. Her, being laughed at by Mariella. And, her, thinking of someone's name for the last call. Still, she still doesn't remember none of it.

Dipper wrinkled her nose, confused as hell. Before she retard again. A person appeared infront of her and it appears to be someone who she knew once. Her attention froze to the person, not breaking her gaze. This person is a new one. It was a boy, who a lot looks like he met his own crush. His eyes gleams in excitement "H-Hello!" He stammered, nervous.

She tilt her head, hands on her sides "Hi?" -hesitantly- "Who are you and Where am I? Am I dead?" She questioned.

The boy looks startled by that, he cupped his hands on his chest "Dead?" He shaked his head "I dont think so, big sister." He answered, confused just like Dipper is.

"Uh. Dont call me big sister, okay?" She stated "Who are you? Do you have a name?" She questioned

"A name?"

Dipper nodded, the boy smiled hesitantly

"I dont remember, though. I dont know."

Dipper felt a rush guilt in her chest "I'm sorry.." She reached out her hand "Well, uh. I dont know where we are but, lets find an exit or something." She suggested, she certainly dont want the kid be alone in this place.

The boy gleamed once again, he ran to her and held her hand "Yeah!" He exclaimed, giggling. They went their way, walking in silence until the boy started humming. Dipper took a glanced on him [Bright blue eyes. Black curly hair. Round eyes. Certain, he isn't someone I know] She observed him a little bit then moved her gaze on their front.

"Oh right!" The boy exclaimed, tugging Dipper's hand "Hm?" She looked down to him "What is your name?" He questioned.

"Dipper. Dipper Pines."

"Nice to meet you then, Dipper!"

Dipper smiled worriedly by that, a small 6 year old beside her. Holding her hand, walking through the nothing less. She didnt even know when they will get out of here. She even thought that maybe they are dead. Who knows? He looks so fragile, innocent on Dipper's sight. It will be a shame if Mariella did put him here too. [What a freakin' sadist.] She grumbly thought.

"Hey hey, Dipper!" The boy catched her attention again. Dipper looked down, thinking how desprately he needed attention "Whats up?" She stated, not a bit interested what he will say. She was the type of person who doesn't like kids.


Dipper froze on her tracks, making the boy too. Her eyes widen, ears ringing by the name. The word echoed on her head as if she knew who this is. There was a something like a door infront of them, a complete of a meters or what away.

Before she knew it, her head throbbed harder. She ran her other hand on her head "U-Uhg.." She moaned in pain.

"D-Dipper? What happened? Are you okay?" The boy asked, worried. Dipper knelt down, her hand still holding his. [It hurt.. why?] And yet, even she dont like kids. She dont want the boy to get worried about her. No, she doesn't want pity ot symphaty. The boy has nothing to do with it, he wont understand. While thinking of this stupendous things, the boy looked at her.

His blue eyes reflected a thin line of worry. He knows that he must not talk or be near to strangers and yet, he trust the girl. He knelt down also, catching Dipper's gaze. She was going into a heavy pain. The boy lets go of her hand, he wrapped her in a hug. His small fragile arms around her waist, his head just under Dipper's chin. Dipper's eyes widen "What? Whats gotten into you?" She whispered

The boy hugged her tighter "I want to comfort you." He stated "Dipper is nice to me. I wish I can do nice to you too"

Just saying that, Dipper felt her heart soften.

"But, kid.."

"No buts!" He exclaimed "I'll stay here until Dipper is okay. We'll walk through that door, together" His voice lowered, like a whispered by the end.

Dipper let the boy be. They we're all cuddle up. Her head was still throbbing, the boy was doing as he can to make her okay. But none is working. By the white abyss, you can only hear their sounds. But Dipper never had been so concerned, the boy. She's curious, who is he really? She took even and heavy breathings. After a while, her head ache is gone.

She put her arms around the boy, which made him startled "Dipper?" He paused "Are you okay?" He asked

Dipper nodded, searching for the boy's eyes "Yes. It disappeared. Thanks, kid." She thanked him.

"No problem!" Their attention swift on the door. They looked at each other and nodded, the two stood up, hand in hand.

"Ready, kid?"

They walked until they are already on the front of the door. It wasn't anything unimaginable, it happen in a lot of movies.

"Ready as I'll ever be!"

Using both of their free hands, they pushed the door open.

Meeting a light that shines so majesticaly.


Ces: I have no idea. Sorry for the short chapter. Gotta keep it short. Also, THANK FOR THE 104 FOLLOWERS

Words: 1333

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