Chapter 16

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Ces: I'm in a deep emotional break down because of the last episode.

I am still sobbing the blood and tears.


Chapter 16 "My Sleeping Beauty"

Mabel's POV

All I can remember was white walls, white tiled floors. The flourescent lights, some of them are even blinking. The bustling of every door we passed. The white clothed people. I remembered I was with Grunkle Stan, Ford, Soos and Wendy. We all had a pale face, worry written all over. I was the one leading them. We were going somewhere.

Oh. I smell something.. very familiar..

The smell of vanilla, just like mines and jasmine flowers. But its being hindered by something more. Wait, I know this smell.

It was the smell of blood.


I bursted inside the emergency room. Tears streaming down on my face like a waterfall. My hairs being tangled, there and there. I was so messed up like shit. I saw here in one cubicle, she was laying on a temporary bed, there was blood everywhere. She isn't the Dipper I knew and loved. Where is she? Dipper?

One of the nurses who is helping Dipper approached me, her hand gloves are covered in her blood. She has a symphatic face "Please, ma'am. We need to ask you to leave." She has a gentle voice but I dont care a another bullshit.

I tried to shove her away, I want to see Dipper! Is what I wanted to scream. We're always together in hardship I want this too.

Then, I felt another pair of hands grabbing me, pulling me away from the room. I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell at every damn fucking person here. I wanted to break some shits and just commit suicide if Dipper died. We will always be together, no matter what.

The doors closed infront of me, I was wheezing for air. I felt I'm being killed too. I knelt down, my energy is gone.

Dipper was blood all over. A huge graze on her face, morelike a long scar. But more importantly, she wasn't breathing anymore.

I gritted my teeth "Why? Why? Why?" I muttered, I cant take it anymore. Dipper. Dipper. Please. No. You cant. I hugged myself "Why? Why? Why?" I continued to chant. I cant scream, my throat feels so dry. I dont have my vocal chords.

I was enveloped by a hug, and I knew this arms. It was Grunkle Stan and a hand patting my head, from Uncle Ford. I can see Wendy and Soos saying something comforting but my ears are shutted tight.

I want to hear Dipper's voice, calling my name. I want to feel her touch on my skin, how she always but rarely hugged me. How she always told me she loves me more than anyone else. I want to see how she gets curious about this lunatic town again. I want to smell her vanilla-jasmine scented hair. How it bounces as she ran. I want to see her. I want to see my younger twin. I want to see Dipper. Please dont leave me alone.

"Dipper.. I love you.." I whispered so low I doubted even they cant hear me. I want Dipper can hear me. She's my everything, my half. I dont want her to leave me.


After an hour or two

I was still on the floor, alone. Grunkle Stan and Ford was standing up by the door, waiting for them. Wendy and Soos was by the chairs. We're all anxious. My head was shooked, hands resisting between my legs. I was still crying but I made no sound. I just let it fall on my cheeks, then to my chin then drops on my hands.

My mind is only circulating on Dipper

Until the door infront of us opened. We all bolt up, My head looked up as I got the energy to stand up.

The doctor and nurses had a expression of relief and I got a little hope for that.

"What the hell happened to Dipper?" I questioned fast, not even minding my manners.

"You must be her acquaintance?"

"Hell no. I'm her older twin. Tell me what happened!!" I yelled, I was getting fraustrated.

Wendy held my arm to stop me from attacking the fucking bastards. The doctor smiled uneasy "I'm getting to that." He took a clip board from one of the nurses "As the matter of fact, your sister is fine." He stated

My lips started to curve into a smile, a huge smile that never happened to me. I clampsed my hands on my lips, tears fell down once again "She's okay.. She's okay!" I turned to Wendy, tugging her arm "She's fine, Wendy!" I exclaimed. Wendy was strucked by happiness and relief also.


The doctor interfered again. We looked at him, he pushes up his glasses "There's a full chance she'll be in commatose" He stated, serious.

I swallowed. But she'll be fine right? She'll wake up right?

"When will she wake up?" Uncle Ford questioned, taking the lead

The doctor shooked "We will never know. Her head is hugely damaged but there is no chance for her to forgot her memories." He explained

I cradle myself on Wendy's arms, and she accepted it hugely. She'll be fine. I knew she will. She's a fighter. She's not a coward anymore.

"Doctor. Please. Can you tell us? Your predictions, maybe?"

The doctor sighed, shoving his hands on the pockets of his coat "Once she is healed, I have my full trust that she'll wake up. If she didnt, I dont know when." Grunkle Stan and Ford thanked him, the two went away to get something going to what. Dipper was transferred in a room. At the other building.

Soos, Wendy and I went straight there.

Did I forget to tell you that I hate hospitals? I dont know. I just hate them. It makes me wanna puke. I was behind the two, my head shooked. Many things on my head so dont ask.

"We're here." Wendy murmured, taking a glance on me. I looked at the door. Door 291. The door's number was plated gray, barely noticable. We didnt even thinked of knocking and went inside.

There. I felt my knees bend and I collapsed as I stepped in.

There were tube on her mouth, a help to make her breath. A thick bandage on her head. Arm casted. Hair lays randomly on her sides. She was still beautiful, all the blood gone. And I knew it, there's a small scar on her cheek. She's covered in bruises. Purple, black there. Thats not even the whole body.

"Mabel.. Dude?" Soos helped me stood up. I laughed dryly, my arm clinging on his "I'm sorry. I.. I dont know.. I.." I dont have the words right now.

Wendy pulled out a chair, placing it besides Dipper's bed. Soos let me sit there, I stared at her for awhile and entangled her cold little fingers on mine with a weak smile "Dipper.." I whispered.

I cant feel little heatness from her fingertips. Her chest goes up and down. It was slow, but she's breathing. Her skin was paler than anything else.

I lift up our tangled hand, pecking the back of her palm with a whisper "I love you"


Ces: *hides* I need to.. Tell me what you think, loves!

Words: 1233

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