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Why does transferring takes such a short time....

Azir continued playing around with his Rubik's cube as he sat in the built-in sofa in his dorm room, casting his mind to the past two weeks. It's been less than eventful, if one ignored the fact that he showed up four days prior to the beginning of the school year.

Having spent one day settling in and learning his way around the dorms, and another getting his uniform, schedule and books ready, the new student made sure to contact his parents as well as meeting a couple of his soon-to-be teachers.

My dorm teacher.. What was his name again?... Fritz-something.. He mentioned that the guy in the room facing mine being Swedish.. Hmh, I wonder if he has bright eyes and plays the guitar and... No dude, you never believed in stereotypes...

Azir let his thoughts wander to Pewdiepie, then towards youtube, then back to eyes since it was one of many things that fascinated him,

Sammie's eyes were such a beautiful shade of blue..

Immediately he cursed himself for thinking about her, yet again. Then he dragged his thoughts back to the Swedish dude..

Why not go say 'Hi' or something..

With a new-found determination to quench his curiosity, he left his comfy room.

Standing in front of that guy's room, Azir hesitated whether or not he actually should do this..

What if he was one of those delinquents I always find in books, would he torment me just because I disturbed him? Even if I'm attending an elite institute...

Azir drifted into his own world, where he enjoyed analyzing almost anything, sometimes even over-analyzing it..

He lifted his arm up and knocked;

Here's to leaving my introverted shell for a while!

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