Michael McIntyre's POV:
I almost certainly feel like I have been in this exact moment of time before... deja vu, I believe that is what it goes by.
Over and over I had been thinking about the advice given to me by that idiotic American colleague of mine.
If I'm honest with myself, I had struggled to actually remember it, knowing well that he knew damn well what he was speaking of.
That bothered me. She was different, and I was well aware of that detail... I had forgotten to mention to David she's been married.
I thought best not to even bother mentioning the situation, in fear of many questions coming up from the man who never shut his yammer.
The only thing that had mattered is that I was on the aircraft once more, willy nilly taking a detour to France.
Not that I had minded, I was rather excited about getting that 'non-empty' feeling back into my system before it had left for good.
Amanda had questioned why I was leaving Glasgow after the auditions were through, and not staying a mere few days.
It was tradition that after the final audition they would have a party in whichever city they happened to be wound up.
I had been the first to not follow this, but I had concluded secretly to myself, and to misfortune David as well, that Juliet was far more important.
So the exact moment they were finished, I took a car back to my hotel, packed, and had taken a short flight back to London.
That is where I had threw clean clothing items into my suitcase, and was off once more to the city of love.
The short period of time after I arrived back at Juliet's home after the short flight, I had received an unexpected call.
From Kitty.
I had absolutely no idea what she would be asking for, but I knew as much that it wasn't a leisure or social chat that was about to happen.
"Hello?" I had questioned curiously into the device. There was a short pause, indicating it was probably best for me to hang up.
"Hello Michael." she sighed from the other end, sounding dry and bored with her first words to me in almost three weeks.
"Can I help you with something?" I hadn't even gone to asking her how she was. I knew she was after something.
"No... I was just calling to see if you could babysit the boys this week." this was completely unfair and terrible timing.
She's lifting the rule about letting me see them for only one weekend every two months, and it just so happens I'm on another vacation.
"I'm terribly sorry... but I've already made arrangements for this week. I can't." I explained sadly, showing my vulnerability.
"Plans? With who?!" she demanded. How could I explain this to her without making it sound... unusual?
"With Thomas?" she continued to interrogate. That was the particular name I was not itching to hear on the good day I had been having.
"Erm... no... I have a new friend, her name is Juliet." I scratched the back of my head signaling I was getting uncomfortable... as if she could see it.
"Right, that also reminds me of something. I have a bone to pick with you." and here we go, the drama begins in three... two... one...
"I saw a photo of you on the Internet with some girl who I've never seen before. It said it was taken only a few days ago." she stated angrily.

|Humor Me| ::A Michael McIntyre Story::
FanfictionComedian Michael McIntyre is heartbroken after his wife of over five years cheated on him with long-time friend Lawrence. Soon after Michael leaves Kitty. He finds himself spending much more time with Thomas, his university best friend. One weekend...