Michael McIntyre's POV:
"B-brother?" she stuttered quietly, barely able to stop her voice from shaking. I was just as well in shock.
He stared at her, unmoving, but slowly nodding his head without blinking. Was this some sick joke?
Was the bloke serious? Thomas O'Reilly is the older brother of Juliet Jiroux? I wasn't sure what exactly was taking place at the moment.
"What are you talking about?" she demanded, getting to her feet and clenching her fists, looking at him with an angry expression.
It was him who was in mass hysteria. You could tell by looking at the poor man. He was going to hear an earful if he didn't explain.
"It's a very long-" he attempted to calm her down, but she stopped him immediately, cutting the air with her hand.
"I don't care if it's a 'long story' I want you to tell me. Now." she snapped. I felt this was about the time I should cease being nosey and leave.
This was blatantly between the two of them, with no concern for me what so ever. I slowly emerged from my seat.
"No no Michael. Whatever he has to say he can say in front of you." she stopped me. This relieved me, yet frightened me at the same time.
I wasn't in a mood to hear an argument between the two, yet I was very curious, and wondered about the situation.
"First of all... that would be why your last name is O'Reilly..." he scratched the back of his head... he should have said 'was.'
Then I quickly recalled she hadn't told him that little detail. It was best that was kept on the down low...
"Obviously." It was apparent she was trying as much as she possibly could to restrain herself from smacking him.
He let out a deep breath, rubbing his hands together and massaged the bridge of his nose. This was difficult for him.
That much was clear.
"When my dad went off to war... my- our mother had an affair." he raised his eyebrows. Helen? Having an affair?
That didn't seem likely, being the sweet innocent elderly woman she was. Perhaps she had a moment of weakness?
"He was back fairly quickly, and she was pregnant with you when he returned. But she told him that you were his." he shrugged.
How scandalous. I would never be able to look at Helen the same way ever again in my entire life. Or William.
"I was fifteen at the time, Russ was five and Howard was two. They have no idea..." Juliet was shaking her head as he said this.
"After you were born, things went well until mom finally told him the truth. He said as long as you were in the house he couldn't stay." this was unbelievable.
Her eyes widened, and a small tear began to roll down her face. I wiped it for her, causing her to grip my hand tightly.
"So she put you up for adoption. Then the family that took you moved down the street... mom told me to look after you." he finished.
This was a very heavy load to put on Juliet just after the past events that have just occurred. It took a toll even on myself.
"W-why didn't you tell me?" her voice cracked. She was now allowing several tears to fall. I rubbed circles into her palm with my thumb.
"It wasn't a good time to tell you I mean-" she had heard enough. She cut him off by raising a hand.
"I need time to think about this. Get out." she pointed to the door, not tearing her watery gaze away from his sorry one.

|Humor Me| ::A Michael McIntyre Story::
FanfictionComedian Michael McIntyre is heartbroken after his wife of over five years cheated on him with long-time friend Lawrence. Soon after Michael leaves Kitty. He finds himself spending much more time with Thomas, his university best friend. One weekend...