::Chapter 1.30:: {The Next Step} |Final Chapter|

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(A/N: By now I'm sure you've read the author's notes at the beginning of the last few. If not- you should really check. Ready? Go...

Are you done? Okay great, so as you know... this is the final chapter of Humor Me :'( I enjoyed writing it, and had a lot of fun.

I hope you've liked it as well, following the story and supporting it :P this means you Jenna McIntyre ;) 

Hope you enjoy the final chapter, so here it is and... If you really wanna message me with thoughts or comments.)

Michael McIntyre's POV:

We had broken the news to Thomas only hours later after the official engagement. Well... technically she spoke with him.

I had absolutely nothing to do with it. She was anxious to converse with him and catch up on tons of subjects.

He surprisingly took it very well, congratulating us like a good sport. The only bad moment of the next day was an unexpected phone call.

I felt my phone vibrating in my trouser pocket as I drove the two of us down to the store to collect a cake.

We would be having her brother over later on in the evening to celebrate her birthday with us. I quickly pressed 'talk.'

"Hello!" I stated cheerfully to the unknown caller on the other end. I wasn't aware of the individual, but I was happy nonetheless.

I would be joyful and obnoxious to anybody I would feel like. Why? Because I was getting married of course!

She turned down the radio for me, taking her feet off of the dashboard and ending her long rant about somebody when I answered it.

"Michael!" an angry feminine voice yelled over the device. Juliet could hear this, and looked at me curiously.

I shrugged, indicating I had no clue as to who would call me and sound so upset. I took in a deep breath.

"Yes?" I questioned carefully. There was an uncomfortable pause until the speaker had started the intentions of their call.

"Lawrence and I are going to his mother's house for a few days and we were hoping you could take the boys." stated the now apparent voice.

It was indeed their mother. Kitty. This was a very eventful moment for me. Of course I would house my own children.

"When?" I interrogated anxiously, hoping that it would be very soon they could arrive. I'm sure they would love to see Juliet.

"Now?" she suggested. I nodded quickly, smiling to myself, and responded with a 'yes.' I would collect them instantly.

I ended the call, beaming with wonder. This was one of the best days I've had in such a long time. 

"What was that about?" Juliet smiled, looking deep into my eyes. I grabbed her hand, rubbing circles into the back of it.

"We're going to pick up the boys." I stated, explaining the reason for the phone call. Her mood changed immediately.

"We are?! Wonderful!" she laughed, watching the road ahead as I made a right turn. It had only taken a few minutes to retrieve the cake.

I stuck it in the trunk, knowing fully well my children would attack it if they could reach it in the back seat.

It was chocolate- as I learned it was Juliet's favorite. The boys would enjoy it as well. We then arrived in the Bexley area.

I pulled into the oh so familiar driveway, ordering Juliet to stay in the car if she didn't want things to become difficult.

She obeyed, finding a stray piece of paper and a pen to begin sketching her surroundings. I rolled my eyes and exited the vehicle.

|Humor Me| ::A Michael McIntyre Story::Where stories live. Discover now