Michael McIntyre's POV:
It was a difficult task to have two very young troublesome boys board an airplane just after they've eaten lunch.
A ridiculous statement you're probably thinking, but until you've tried it don't make fun. It is one hundred percent truth.
They were antsy walking through the metal detector and were afraid of having to walk through alone.
It was a stressful event if I've ever experienced one. Nearly as terrible as the divorce itself. In truth I was more anxious about seeing Juliet than my own mother.
I hadn't seen mom in months, when the last time I was with Juliet was last week. I felt guilty for this reason.
I knew I shouldn't be, that's what happens. I had finally gotten them into their seats in the coach section near the wings of the plane.
After the flight instructors had made sure everybody was securely buckled in tightly, we took off without interruption or problem.
"Daddy. Where are we going?" questioned Lucas looking up from his colorful picture book. I took my eyes away from my cell phone.
I was currently texting Juliet. I smiled as I looked away and towards my son. He asked where we were going.
"We're going to see grandma." I smiled lovingly at the small boy. Oscar was fast asleep in his own comfortable position.
"All weekend?" he kept the questions coming. I bit my lip, wondering if I should tell him now he was meeting my lovely Juliet.
"No, we're staying at my friend's house. I want you to meet her. You'll really like her." I explained enthusiastically.
He was quiet for a few seconds, closing his book and finding a different one in the bag I had given him to carry.
"What's her name?" he interrogated. A pleasurable twisting sensation overtook my stomach as I spoke her name.
"She's called Juliet." I answered, glancing at the photo of us on my mobile. He took a deep breath before responding.
"Do you like her daddy?" he knitted his eyebrows together and asked with an innocent look. My own son, asking such questions.
"Yes buddy I really like her." I patted the top of his head affectionately. He chased my hands away with his own small ones.
"Just like the way mommy likes Lawrence?" he finished with his last question. I let out a sigh, and returned with a nod.
"Just like that." I assured him. He giggled and returned to his pictures. What a complicated question for such a young boy.
My mother lived about an hour away from Paris. I would have to rent a car in order to bring us to her home.
I knew from calling her the previous night she was excited about out visit today. I looked at the time in the airport.
It was two thirty in the afternoon. We would arrive at around three thirty. Two hours would be long enough to stay and have dinner with her.
By then it would be five thirty and another we would be back in Paris, and taking half an hour to pay a Taxi to transport us to Juliet's.
We would be seeing her at roughly seven. That was doable. That was certainly enough time to get settled into rooms.
I was smiling just thinking about the entire situation. It didn't cost me as much as I originally believed to rent a car for the day.
I explained the circumstances to the saleswoman, who worked a deal for me very graciously. I was happy for that.

|Humor Me| ::A Michael McIntyre Story::
FanfictionComedian Michael McIntyre is heartbroken after his wife of over five years cheated on him with long-time friend Lawrence. Soon after Michael leaves Kitty. He finds himself spending much more time with Thomas, his university best friend. One weekend...