Chapter 16 - puke a rainbow

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Lita POV

Alex was taking me out for dinner tonight and still wouldn't tell me what was going on. I tried to ask but he only kissed my forehead and told me he loved me.

I was kinda worried... I mean what if he where to die....? like his healer stuff ran out..?

But I pushed the thought away and just went on with the day.

There was a knock on my door. I opened if to see Hazel and Rosie there.

Rosie immediately hugged me. This was the first time she saw me since she tried to brutally murder me.

"Lita!" She said holding me tightly with tears pouring down her face.
"Haha! Nice to see you too Rosie!" I grinned.
"We have a lot of catching up to do!"

Rosie was in between Hazel's age and my age, she was fifteen.

She told me about how she remembers me due to the pixies altering her memory and how she's sorry for attacking me and trying to kill me to become queen if the moon.

I just laughed and brushed it off. I was excited about the fact I have a sister!

I always felt kind of lonely around here, I mean EVERYONE in the pack has at least one sibling... and then there was me.

Then again, I had Hazel who was like a sister to me, and then there was Alex, he was like a brother to me.

I mean not anymore since we're mates, but he use to be.

"Okay, listen up, your going to a classy restraunt with Alex right?" Hazel said. I nodded.
"Did he say anything to you?" She asked.
"Just that he has to tell me something."

Hazel exploded of giggles and happiness and I was kind of expecting her to puke a rainbow she was so happy.

"What?!" I asked. Rosie laughed.
"Don't you know?!" She said smiling.
"Know what?" I asked completely confused.
"HE'S GOING TO ASK YOU TO MARRY HIM!!!" They both said in unison.

My eyes grew wider and I felt my face burn with embarrassment.
"Well he's taking you to a resteraunt." Hazel said
"And he needs to tell you something..." Rosie grinned.

It made sense now I thought about it. Oh my gosh. Is he really going to ask me to marry him, we've only been mates for a short time.
'But you've known each other for a long time and have already mated.' My wolf said.

"We need to get you looking gorgeous for tonight with a beautiful dress that shows all your curves." Hazel smiled. I laughed. "what?" she asked .
"I'm developing a baby bump," I smiled "therefore anything that shows my curves will show the babies curves too." I smiled.
"Ahh, so you've never seen this dress before." Rosie smiled as she got a black dress out from under my bed.
"Since when has that been there?" I asked.
"It's a sorry present for almost killing you and the baby." She said softly.
"Stop apologising!" I laughed. "It's not your fault that the pixies decided to possess your body." I said.

"Okay I'm going to start trying it on." I said.

I took of my clothes and proceeded to put the dress on, I was going to get Hazel to do up the zip when Alex walked in.
"Get out!" Hazel yelled and then pushed him out before he could see me in the dress she slammed the door. Rosie and I laughed as Hazel did my zip.

I stood there in the mirror.

The dress was perfect, it was sophisticated, grown-up, and showed all my curves without showing the baby bump.

"It's perfect!" I said happily and hugged Rosie and Hazel.


"Lita! Are you ready?" Alex called from downstairs.
"Coming!" I yelled.

Rosie and Hazel did my makeup which was a light red almost pink lipstick and a smokey eye look.

I came down the stairs to see that Alex was in a suit, he looked extremely hot.

"Wow." he muttered looking at me. "You look amazing." he said. I laughed a little. "What?" He asked.
"You said that the night I got pregnant." I smiled.
"Man, I remember that night well." he said his eyes going dark.
"Perv!" I giggled and whacked him playfully with my handbag.

Alex drove us to the place t it was half an hour away and I had never been in a care properly before, I mean I have but I haven't.

And I've never gone anywhere with Alex.

The car journey was mainly him telling me I looked gorgeous and me telling him he looked out and then both of us laughing a lot at our past.

When we got to the place it was a really posh place. I sat down and they immediately poured wine.
"Oh, um no for me please, I can't drink any at the moment." I said with an apologetic smile.
"Of course," the waiter said "what can I get you to drink?" He asked.
"An orange juice please." I smiled. He nodded then came out with an orange juice in the same sized bottle as the bottle of wine. Even there orange juices are posh.

After we settled down and started eating I looked at Alex.
"What did you want to talk about?" I asked him. He had almost finished diner whereas I was only halfway through it not wanting to get indigestion.
"Okay." he said. "You know that Werewolf pregnancies are 2 months. Well healer pregnancies are 1 month, and so you should be expecting to give birth in two weeks time."

I choked on my orange juice when he said that.
"What?!" I said.
"Yeah... So we should go for a scan tomorrow, just to check the baby is okay, I mean it's been under a lot of stress lately with the whole Eric and Erica thing, then there was Rosie... and I can feel the baby is okay it's just I wanna make sure that it is." he said.

I was still shocked at the fact I have two weeks before the babies born.

We have to set up a nursery! And get a cot... And just everything.

I nodded and looked down at my stomach. I'm only just showing pregnant, within a weeks time I'm suppose to be in labour? Great!

Wait... two weeks time is November the 14th.

So it's due about then...

"Okay what else was it you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked.
"Lets just enjoy our meal for now, I'll tell you when we leave." he said with a smile on his face.

We ate dinner and he paid, he then escorted me to the car where he complimented how beautiful I looked. I smiled and told him he looked quite hot too.

Before we reached home he stopped right by the Packs lake.

It was my favourite spot to come to for thinking time, and I was aloud there since its still in our territory, although Alex would still be near by.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.
"Get out of the car." he muttered softly.

I did as I was told and waited for Alex to get out, I took his hand and he took me right by the side of the lake by the tree I lean on whenever I'm here.

"Okay why are we here? Are you going to murder me?" I asked. he laughed.
"Lita Rosalinda Moon," he said getting down on one knee. "Yes?" I said. I felt my face go red.
"Will you do the honour of being my wife, and marry me?" He said.

I went down to his level and kissed him passionately. I pulled away with a smile.
"Does that answer your question Mr. alpha?" I asked.


Hello! Sorry I haven't updated in ages...
I really have no excuse...
But anyway here is chapter 16.

What do you think of them getting married? And what do you think of Little Lita or Ant-sized Alex being born soon?

Please vote comment and share.

I will update soon!

Cupcakes and Cupcakes

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