Chapter 13 - get lost before i make you lost!

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Chapter 13 - get lost before I make you lost!


I stare at the photo sadly. It's been six months and Time still hasn't 'healed' me as they say.

I know it's my fault. But it keeps haunting me everyday and night that she's not here. That she's not with me.

I stare at her beautiful violet eyes. Why didn't I heal her that night? Why didn't I use my magic and stop the bleeding? Why didn't I tell her I love her and I was sorry? Why was I too caught up in my own world to notice her?

You know, for a player I'm supposed to be cold hearted, and have no emotion whatsoever but I still think about Rosie, I think about her before I go to bed, I think about her when I'm eating lunch. I think about her all the time.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. It was Callum.

"Hey." I said. There was a lot of sound in the back ground.

"Hey, um there's some Rouges in the pack area." he says to me.

"What?! When you say Rouges what type of Rouges?"

"We think there vampires."

"What the hell? How'd they get here it's the middle of the day!"

"Rex, the trees surrounding the territory block out the strongest rays of sunlight." he sighs.

"Ok, I want you and everyone down here immediately understand?" I say.

"Yes Rex." He says and then I hang up.

I run to see Hazel and Will in Alex's kitchen cleaning up.

"Hey, you two we've got a problem ." I say.

"What type of Problem?" Hazel asked looking at me.

"Well we've got some Rouge vampires here and so I need you two to go in hiding." I say.

"Hazel go into hiding, your a pup." Will says to her.

"And I just so happen to have Alpha blood so no."

"Look non of you can take them down, they're strong okay, so get everyone into hiding." I say.


"No buts!" I say. They Both sigh and nod.

They both disappear.

I run upstairs and knock on Alex's room. Alex opens it and looks at me confused.

"Rex? What do you want?" He asks.

"Hey big brother, no time to talk, we've got vampire Rouges on the loose."

"What!!!" He yells.

"Yeah, so I suggest you get the Princess into hi-" I was cut off by a scream from inside.

Alex ran inside and I followed him.

There was a vampire holding Lita by her neck. She smiled at Alex and I and got a blade out. You could see it was pure silver and it had markings on it.

"Let her go!" Alex growled.

"And what are you going to do about it?!" She said hissing.

"This." I said.

I focused my energy on the sword and it immediately dropped to the ground.

The Vampire screeched in pain as it flew our of her hands.

She let go of Lita and Lita broke free growling at the Vampire.

"Get lost, before I make you lost!" Lita said angrily.

"And how would you do that?" The Vampire chuckled edging closer to Lita.

Lita's eyes glowed blood red and a corrupt smile grew on her face.

"What the hell?" Alex said.

"Alex, we need to get out of here." I say

"What? why?" I grab him by his arm and push him out of the room and make it just in time too.

The door was open so we could see what was happening and Lita started singing a creepy song as the room grew white and a hole appeared in the middle sucking the vampire in.

As soon as the vampire was gone Lita collapsed on the floor.

"Lita!" Alex yelled worriedly rushing to her.

Lita's skin was pale and she started shivering as she opened her eyes revealing her natural colour.

"What happened?" She asked weakly.

"We need to get her to bed, she used more energy then she should have just now." I said.

Alex put her on the bed and looked at her.

"Is she going to be okay?" He asks.

"Not if I can help it!" A familiar voice says.

I turn around to the sweet beautiful voice only to see my one and Only mate, Rosie, standing there.


Hey I'm sorry it's a short chapter but I hope you liked.


Cupcakes (and Cupcakes)


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