Chapter 6 - Thats never going to happen!

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Chapter 6 - Thats never going to happen!

Lita POV

I awoke in my room with the boys from early around me. A wet cloth was on my forehead.

"Your awake." Kirk smiled.

"And alive." Ryan grinned.

"Alive?" I ask worried. The last thing I remember was my wolf yelling at me because Alex had cheated on me.

"What happened?" Rex asked.

"My um mate." I said quietly trying to look away.

"Your mate? Did he cheat on you?" Owen asked. I nodded feeling tears perk up in my eyes. Rex stared at me.

"Lita... Why aren't you with him now? Like living with him?" He asked with slight worry in his eye.

"He's the Alpha... He was my best friend and my other best friends brother, he's the cold guy who doesn't show any emotions... but once you get to know him you know he had plenty of them in fact it's all an act to hide the fact he's the most emotional person there is, but I found out he was my mate and flipped out. I had just shifted and my wolf was talking to me. Looking at him I got scared, he's protected me all my life. Not to mention I knew what he was like around girls... he's the biggest player around. As you can tell." I say looking down.

"Do you love him?" Oakley asked.

"Of course I do." I said with a small smile.

"Then go back to him." Rex said coldly. "It's dangerous out here."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?!"

"Because its true!" Rex growled "People get killed day after day out here and hunters, wolves, vampires, witches, all the creatures are looking for you to kill!" Rex said.

His eyes had turned yellow as he spoke and I was still confused about what he was.

"But you guys didn't." I say with a soft smile. Justin Chuckled.

"We'll be the only ones who won't sweetheart." He says then looks at me seriously "You need to start trusting in your mate."

"I told you I can't!" I say tears now falling down his cheeks "plus I already told you, he's with another girl right now!" I sigh.

Rex sat on my bed and smiled softly.

"He's doing that to try replace the happiness he got with you." he said with a calm relaxed tone.

"How'd you know that?" I asked.

"Because I've done it before too." he said sadly "You left him, his mate, so he's left heartbroken. He'll look for anything to try and win you back, but in the mean time he'll try to look for the happiness you gave him, without you though there's nothing of him, like Tom and Jerry. there's no Tom if Jerry wasn't there." he said with a tear falling down his eye.

I looked at him and suddenly removed my cloth on my forehead, got up and hugged him.

"I don't think that's true." I say. "people move on. I think he's just realised him and I aren't going to work." I say truthfully. Then I think for a moment "are you with your mate now?" I asked.

"You need to go back home." Is all Rex said.

"I'm not going back there any time soon!" I say.

"Your mate can protect you." Oakley said.

"No he can't! I can protect myself!" I say now yelling.

"Calm down." Rex says "You obviously don't have a clue who you are. You need to go talk to your mate."

"Who I am? What do you mean?!" I ask confused.

"Go ask your mate!" Rex says.

"You know that's never going to happen!" I shout at him with anger.

"Not my fault princess." he grins then exits the room "see you tomorrow at school!" he grins.

"Stop calling me princess!" I yelled at him.

Wow. never in my life had I been like this... I just yelled? At a complete stranger.

"I'm sorry Lita his mates a touchy subject." Callum said as the boys and him walked off.

I nod.

"Bye guys!" I call.

"Bye!" They say.


I awoke to shouting.

"Princess! Get up!" I hear someone shout. "I'm coming in!" They yell and in comes Rex.

"Are you ready for school today?" He asks. I yawn and don't answer. he looks at me seriously. "Lita, I want you to stay with me-"

He was cut of by me crying in pain.

"What the hell?" He asks then remembers "your mate?" He asks. I nod.

Rex thinks for a minute "is the pain as bad as yesterday?" he asks. I nod.

"Y-yes." I squeak.

"Okay let's show him payback agree?" He asks.

"How?" I ask.

"Like this he says as he holds my hand helping me up. he pins me to the wall and grins. "just go with it Lita." He says. I nod as he starts kissing me. I look at him shocked but kiss him back.

All the pain suddenly disappears and I smile.


Hope you liked this chapter!





Cupcakes (and Cupcakes)


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