Chapter 9 - Your uh... No ordainary wolf...

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Chapter 9 - your oredanairy wolf...

Lita POV

I didn't feel any pain through my body. My eyes were closed tight shut as I looked to see Rex and Alex standing in front of the gun.

Alex and both Rex's hands were bleeding.


"I'm surprised, I see that your like Rex as well then." Eric said looking at Alex.

"She's my mate, leave her alone." Is all Alex says.

"Aw why don't you share her with us?" Erica said in a mimic voice of a five year old.

Alex growled and stared at him his eyes Navy blue.

"So your still wolf huh?" Eric grinned.

I looked at Alex confused. Silver bullets should have killed him, but he was looking as if he wasn't effected.

Rex looked at me and mouthed something but I couldn't make out what so I just stared at him confused.

"There's a reason why I'm Alpha." Alex growled his eyes flashed red as suddenly Eric and Erica were grabbing hold of their necks gasping for air. "And it's to stop idiots like you terrorising our packs." he snarled. His eyes had a cold glare on them.

Eric and Erica fainted leaving me staring at Rex and Alex.

"Rex finish them off, I don't have the strength to." Alex said probably not realising I was behind him.

Rex looked at me.

"Not in the presence of Lita." he says.

Alex turns around and looks at me.

"Oh shit! Hey Lita..." He chuckled.

"Don't 'Oh hey Lita' me." I say angrily.

"Look I'm guessing you have questions right?" Rex asked.

"Yes! Of course I do, how do you keep appearing? How the hell did you save me again? Why doesn't Silver effect you now Alex? How do you know Rex?! WHY THE HELL ARE PEOPLE AFTER ME?" I ask with tears of frustration in my eyes.

"Okay that's a lot of questions, I can teleport, I kinda have a sense that tells me if the p- I mean your in trouble." Rex said.

"Silver doesn't effect me because I'm half-healer, Rex and I are sort of... Um well... Brothers... Oh and because your uh... No oredanairy wolf..."

"Wait... What?!" I asked angrily.

"What about what?"

"You and Rex are brothers?" I ask.

Alex looked down at the floor. Frustration and anger came to his face.

"Our dad was a player, after I was born my dad left my mum and started doing stuff with other girls, that's before my mum met my dad, she thought her mate had died but it ended up being my step dad." he said.

"Wait... What..?" I ask.

"Hazels dad isn't my dad, he's my mums mate but not my dad." he says calmly.

I turn to Rex and look at him.

"I'm guessing you knew I was mates with Alex then?" I growl at him.

"Well... Yeah... You had his scent all over you." he chuckled. I felt the urge to punch him in the face.

"So then why the hell did you kiss me?!" I snarled at him.

"I'm full healer unlike my big brother here, that means that me kissing you would stop the pain instantly." he grinned "why did you kiss back?" he said.

Ugh why was he being a jerk at a serious time like this.

"You what?!" Alex snapped at both of us.

"Oh shut up Alex!" I yelled "It was when you were cheating on me." I said annoyed then thought "what's this all about me not being an oredanairy wolf?" I ask.

"We'll I think it's dinner time, does any one else think it's dinner time? I'l go down and cook something." Rex said walking away.

"I don't know how to put this." Alex said after Rex had just left "Your a princess..." He said. Before I could react he reappeared next to me and whispered in my ear "Make that, my princess." He said calming me down immediately.

The Alpha's PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora