Chapter 12 - This is inappropriate talk for the dinner table!

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Chapter 12 - This is inappropriate talk for the dinner table!

Lita POV

I felt tears pour down my cheeks as I waited to her the ripping of someone's throat.

"What the hell?!" I heard Will and Hazel scream. I open my eyes and see a purple ring surrounding Alex and both Hazel and Will staring at me.

Alex smiled at me.

"Well it looks like your lessons on your power are coming into hand." He said.

"But we haven't had any lessons yet." I said worried.

"Lesson number one, to stop someone do what you just did now." He smirked.

Really Alex? Is that all you can say?

I look at Hazel and Will who both stare at me shocked.

"Explain now!" Hazel said using her Alpha voice to me.

"Don't speak to her like that!" Alex yelled at Hazel. Will growled at Alex for snapping at Hazel.

Why are mates so protective?

"I... Um well... I don't really know too much about it."

I said truthfully. Hazel looked at Alex who was now standing next to me the purple ring disappearing.

"Alex explain!" Hazel yelled at her older brother. Alex looked at me nervously.

"Hazel, whatever happens I want you to know your my sister still and I love you so don't ever hate me beca-"

"You've killed dad, I forgave you for that, it can't be much worse then that, so spit it out." hazel said angrily. Alex looked at Hazel shocked.

Hazel was terrified of her older brother knowing that he was soon-to-be Alpha and that he was cold, she also knew he was too overprotective and short tempered so she never spoke back to him.

I looked at Hazel as Alex explained everything to do with Rex, Him, the baby and I.

Hazel looked at me and smiled.

"I'm gonna be an Aunty." she said happily. Alex rolled his eyes.

"Did you get anything else of what I just said?" He asked her. She nodded .

"Of course, Rex is your brother, your still my brother although we have different dads, and Lita is a moon Princess." she smiled.

Will just stood there with a smile on his face.

"So that's why you where always so protective of her." he grinned. Alex blushed deeply

"Lita's mine." He said holding me close.

I look at him blushing as I see the seriousness I. His face.

"Yes I am." I whispered quietly so only he could hear.


After awkward silence we decided we would have dinner together, the whole family.

Well sort of... Will, Hazel, Alex and I. I count us as a family!

He goes down stairs to the Alpha's kitchen (because he's Alpha he gets his own living room, dining room, kitchen and Games Room) and starts cooking.

He doesn't realise I'm there and I think I see a tear fall down his cheek.

I look at him sadly and I slowly walk up to him and kiss his cheek.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

When he saw me he jumped and he immediately wiped away his tear.

"What if he hurts her?" He asked me.

"What?" I ask confused.

"What if Will hurts Hazel?Not so much Physically but what if he hurts her like I did to you?" he asked with Tears in his eyes.

"He won't." I say.

"How do you know? Because she's only fourteen they could have done all sorts... What if there've mated... what if she's pregnant?!" He says now starting to yell.

"How longs Will been your best friend?" I asked.

"Since before I can remember."

"Exactly." I smile "And has he ever hurt your sister?" I ask.

"No." He replies.

"So what makes you think he's gonna hurt her now?" I asked.

"They're mates though that's what will happen, I don't want to see my little sister to get hurt."

"Well your sisters going to, she's fourteen Alex, she should be aloud to make her own decisions and learn from her own mistakes, she shouldn't have her big brother deciding for you. Did you ever have anyone help you decide?" I ask.

"No, but look where that got me, Eighteen years old with a reputation of a player and Almost lost my Mate and Baby." He said.

Unshed tears glazed his eyes as I stare at him.

"Your aloud to cry you know." I smile.

"Not in front of my mate and baby." He smiled and kissed me.

Time went by and we were all sitting at the dinner table together.

"So... how's everything Will? I haven't talked to you in a while." I say trying to break the awkward silences.

"Everything's okay I guess." He replies.

I nod and carry on eating.

"So..." Alex says after awhile "how far have you two gone?" He asked

Oh Alex! Why?! Just Why?

"Alex!" Hazel said blushing deeply with Will. "What are you suggesting?" She said growling.

"I'm not suggesting anything but your growl and both of your blushes it's a little bit suspicious." He says.

"This is inappropriate talk for the dinner table!" She says.

"It's perfectly appropriate talk for the dinner table, what's wrong with it."

"Everything! I'm not telling my brother if I mated or not, which I haven't because in not a slut!" She says her eyes dark with anger.

I immediately felt self conscious and I wanted to stop this argument.

"Hmm... I like fish? Does anyone like fish? What's everyone's favourite fish?" I asked

"My sisters favourite is a rare one names Under-aged Mating." Alex said. I had a feeling I had just made matters worse.

"Yeah, and Alex's favourite that gives him super powers to be a man slut!" She snarled at him.

He growled at get and walked off and I just sat there feeling very responsible for my actions.

"I'm sorry." She sighs.

"He's just trying to help." Will says.

"I know, but why does he have to act like a flipping idiot about it?!" She growled.

"You've got Will scent all over you, he's trying to be calm but he's a curious person so don't be too hard on him." I say and leave the dinner table


Hey guys,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter Sorry for the late update, my iPods been struggling with this app lately but I think (and hope) everything's okay.

I've got 187 reads thanks so much guys.

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Cupcakes (and Cupcakes)

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