Chapter 14 - I hope you've been nice to my sister

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Chapter 14 - I hope you've been nice to my sister

Lita's POV

I feel my body aching and my eyes are heavy. I notice a familiar scent in the room as I stare at Rex and a girl.

The girl looks so familiar and I use all my might to get up but I just can't.

It hurts to breath, it's heavy on my chest, as if I've got a bunch of Weights on my chest. I look around for Alex who's staring at me shaking his head slightly telling me to keep down.

What's going on?

"What, you didn't think you could get rid of me that easily." the girl laughed. Her laugh was corrupt and insane, it didn't sound right. I know I knew this girl from somewhere and I know that she doesn't laugh like that.

"What's happened to you Rosie?" Rex asked with tears in my eyes.

"Oh nothing, lets just say, I've been living life in a different way."

"A different way?" He asks confused.

"You know exactly who I am, and you know exactly what I can become." she grinned.

"Rosie... How far are you In?" Rex asked with tears In his eyes.

"If I kill lovely little Lita here I can become what I truly am." she grinned.

"You can't do that!" He said his eyes going red.

"And why not my dearest mate?" she asked.

I kept in a gasp. Mate? This is Rex's mate? The girl he's avoided talking about?

"Because it isn't you. You aren't like this Rosie, you would never intentionally hurt your friends or family!" he growled.

"How would you know Rex? You never even wanted to know me! you rejected me so I ran away, you started doing whatever with other girls and when I came back you saw me dying right in front of you, yet you didn't bother to help. You just watched me until you thought I was dead. Then you left me in those woods. in the dark, alone with nothing around me. I was terrified Rex, scared like hell!"

"I never meant for you to get hurt."

"But I did didn't I? I did and where were you?"

I immediately felt angry and upset for Rex.

"He never stopped thinking about you." I say truthfully. it hurt to speak but Rex is my friend, and my guardian I need to help him the best way I can. Rosie turned around and looked at me.

"Ah Lita I see your awake." She grinned.

"Look your not like this. I don't know how I know you, but I know you, and I also know your not like this. I know your kind, happy smart and bubbly, you can be shy and get scared easily but you were never out to hurt anyone." I say truthfully. "So stop this nonsense at once!" I say sternly.

"I've changed in the past eleven years. I'm not the same girl I use to be." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Eleven years..." I mumble. My parents were killed Eleven years ago.

Rosie got a gun and pointed it at me.

"Well, it's nice talking to you, but I think your death is well overdue don't you?"

"Stop." I growl lowly. She looks at me unamused as she pulls the safety trigger off. "I said Stop!" I growled angrily and loudly using an Alpha-female voice I never knew I had. This caused Rosie to drop the gun and whimper. Her whimper stopped and she looked at me with a small smile.

"I see you were marked by the Alpha, are you mates?" She asked.

"What?! Yes of course!" I growl.

A sigh of disappointment filled her face.

"That'll make it harder to kill you then." she sighed then looked at Alex.

"I hope you've been nice to my sister." she said to him.

The gun raised from the floor and went to her hand as she pointed it to me. I looked at the girl confused.

I wasn't at all worried about the gun but more about the fact she called me her sister.

"Sister? What are you talking about?!" I yelled.

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