Chapter Sixteen || Coming Out

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"You got in?!" Kendall squeezed clapped her hands. "That's so amazing!"

"Isn't it?" I asked cutting up my waffles Kendall made me. "Too bad I won't be going"

"Alyssa" she sighed but I shook my head, I have had this conversation with countless people already.

"Don't give me the speech, I've made my choice" I shrugged and she just nodded and continued eating.

"So Halloween is coming up, who's party are you going to?" She asked, I groaned.

"I don't know, I'll probably spend like an hour or two with Miles's friends then head over to Tygas friends" I sighed, Kylie really wanted me to like her new beau so Halloween was now happening.

When I brought it up to Miles he wouldn't even consider it since he made plans with his friends who are throwing a party and he said he would be mad if I missed it.

But I also couldn't let Kylie down so I had to figure it out.

"Let's talk about something less stressful" I said with a mouth full of food.

"How's the living situation going?" She asked, clearly she didn't know the definition of less.

"Spencer is gone by sunrise and not back till ten at night, he doesn't start classes till after Halloween so he tries not to stay at home too much since Miles is always there" I shrugged.

"How is he?" She asked softly.

"He hasn't complained, they haven't fought and he hasn't been hostile towards me so we are good" I nodded proudly.

"And does he know about today's interview?" She asked referring to my impromptu on air interview with E!

It was super last minute and I have no idea why it was called for but I didn't wanna turn down Terrance or G.

"He's actually driving" I said then stood up. "I actually have to go get ready but thank you for breakfast, have a safe flight see you when you come back"

"Have fun" she giggled as I rushed out.

I thanked God she lived above me because I was already running behind schedule.

Once I rushed into my apartment I gasped when I saw Spencer home on the couch and Miles on the opposite couch on my laptop. They stared at me blankly but I just shook my head and rushed to the shower.

After my super quick shower I slipped on these mustard colored shorts that were silk, this creamy nude top that was ribbed and had a high neck and my Valentino nude pumps.

My hair was slightly curled from yesterday so I just tossed it into a ponytail and left my face untouched since the E! Team handles makeup for on air interview.

I grabbed my Chanel quilted clutch that was this burnt orange shade then rushed out the room. They were still there.

"We gotta go" I cooed as I rushed over to Miles and pulled him up.

"I'm up" he chuckled resting his hands on my waist. "You look nice"

"Thank you" I smiled softly then turned to Spencer. "There's emergency cash in my top dresser draw and Kendall will be home all day packing so if anything"

"I'm a grown man Lyss, I'll be fine" Spencer chuckled then stood up. "I'm actually going out"

"Oo take my car, we're taking Miles's" I said then pulled my keys out his car and handed them to him.

"See you later" he called then strolled out.

"Come here" Miles hissed then pressed his warm lips onto mine.

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