Act of Kindness

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A little girl, wearing a purple jumper held $5 in her hand that was given by her mother. She said she could buy anything she wanted. And that made the girl giddy with excitement. She could finally buy that yoyo that lit up whenever it spun. It was the toy she had always wanted ever since she saw her classmate playing with it.

As she skipped happily down the street towards the nearby toy store, she heard a commotion happening across the street that made her halt midway her happy skipping.

"YOU THIEF!" A large man with a rounded belly yelled as he pushed a skinny dirty man hard. The skinny dirty man lost his footing and fell, hitting his head against the rough cemented pavement making the girl flinch upon impact. She knew very well how that felt. She lost her two front teeth because of that one bad fall.

But instead of crying and calling for his mommy like what the girl had thought he would do, the skinny dirty man pushed himself up. Despite his bleeding temple, he didn't cry. He just stood up and ran away.

The large man with the rounded belly continued to shout. Shout words that if she were to repeat, would surely result in a beating with a belt from her mother.


He groaned as he let his tired beaten body slump to the ground and rest against a brick wall. Not only was he beaten up, he might have broken his skull too. He wasn't even able to keep the bread he'd fought so hard to steal! He ran straight to a dim alleyway where he could hide in case the police came looking for him.

He shook his head. He knew he wouldn't last and would, once again, turn to the life of crime. And look what it had done to him. No money, no home, no food... no son. He closed his eyes in exhaustion. He missed him. Terribly. But he decided his young son was better off with a family that could provide his needs rather than.... stay with him. A jobless, filthy bum that lived in the street.

He opened his eyes. The sight before him made him jump and spew out words that were not appropriate for the ears of the little girl crouching next to him.

"Hey!" She said, pointing her tiny finger at him. "No cussing."

"What..." He shifted back, away from the girl who suddenly appeared in front of him. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to fix your booboo, Stinky Man." She said, pulling out a small first aid kit behind her.

"Hey, that's rude." He said, frowing at the odd looking girl. She looked cute... but odd at the same time. The girl had a freaking mullet, for crying out loud! "You don't call people stinky."

The girl made a face as she opened her little kit. "Eh, mama said honesty is the best policy. So I can't really call you Nice Smelling Man, now can I?"

He made a face too. "Whatever, Mullet Girl. And besides, didn't your mama tell you not to talk to strangers?"

"She did. But she also said that I should help the poor so... I don't know. All these rules confuses me. Here, I gotta de-germs your booboo Smelly Man." She twisted the lid closed of the disinfectant after applying a small amount on a cotton. She reached up and touched his face. She tilted her head, a little confused once she saw a problem. "You have too much blood. Here, take the blood off first." She handed him an unused triangular bandage to clean up his head, which he took.

"How are you not scared of the blood? Little girls like you should be shrieking right now and saying ew." He asked, gently patting the side of his face to rid it of blood.

"Those girls are weak." She said, making him chuckle. "I'm strong and I always have booboos so I know what to do. Crying is for the weak, you know?"

"Really?" He mused, applying pressure on the cut to stop it from bleeding. "So you don't cry at all?"

"Uh huh!" She nodded. "See this?" She opened her mouth and pointed at her missing front teeth. "I fell on the ground like you before and I lost my teeth! But I didn't cry. Because crying is for the weak!"

He couldn't help but smile. She may be odd looking for a girl, but she was adorable. The kind that you can't help but love them to the bones. His smile faltered, remembering his son in the orphanage. They would be in the same age.

The girl grabbed his chin, turning it slightly and gently dabbed his cut with a disinfectant. He was surprised with how careful the girl was, making sure she didn't apply too pressure and hurt him. Before he knew it, she reached for the roll of bandage and gingerly wrapped it around his head.

"There!" She exclaimed, resting her hands on her hips. She smiled in triumph as she looked at her work. "10 points to Morgana!"

He couldn't help but laugh at the girl. "Thank you Mullet." He decided to call her that. Mullet.

The girl frowned at the nickname. "You're welcome, Stinky Man." He made a displeased face, making her giggle.

"Your mother is probably looking for you—"

"AH! I ALMOST FORGOT!" She began to gather her things together, putting everything back in her first aid kit. She stood up and dusted off her jumper. "Oh and by the way, here." She grabbed a paper bag that she had left on the floor behind her and placed it on his lap. "Goodbye Stinky Man!" She waved goodbye as she ran and left.

He stared after her then to the paper bag that was on his lap. Then he smelt it. He eagerly opened it and his mouth watered at the sight. Burger and fries. He smiled and his heart swelled at the kind gesture. For such a young girl with a funny haircut, she already possessed a big heart.

And ever since then, the two became best friends until faith had finally decided to split them apart.


Wohoooo new chapter!

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