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"So yeah, I'm a programmer now and I live with this demon." I said finishing off, patting Cheeseburger's head who was perched on my shoulder. Cedric left an hour ago. Saying Benedict needed him for something. I bet they're doing some kinky stuff.


"And all this time I thought you're going to be a Power Ranger." Ed chuckled softly as I made a face at him.

"I was gonna but I can't seem to find their headquarters. But I'm not giving up." I said, my face set in determination. I know in my heart that they're real. THE GOVERNMENT ARE HIDING THEM FROM ME!

"You silly goose." He shook his head at me. "It's comforting to know that you're still the same." He laughed softly, weakly. I forced a smile on my face to hide my worry. I knew he's not really feeling well and putting up a strong front. It pained me to think that this might be the last time I'll hear him talk. I could see how his sickness was detoriating him. Talking takes too much energy and effort.

"Pfffft yeah. I've been awesome since 1991. Why change? Anyway," I got up from the bed. "I'll go prepare my stuff in my room. You go rest for a bit. I'll see you later." I waved him goodbye.

"I'll see you later then."


"CHEESEBURGER ALEXIS LOGAN! Shame on you!" I narrowed my eyes at him and shook my head in disappointment. "Why do you have to be such an asshole?"

The King of all Scums closed his eye and pretended to sleep. Ignoring me altogether. He laid his head down on his tiny fat paws, deciding that he had enough of my sh*t.

I scowled at him. Hoping the intense glare I was giving him would make him uncomfortable. It didn't. But instead, my scowl softened at the sight of him. He's so cute. And fat. He was like a grey cotton candy. "I love you." I said in defeat, hanging my head in shame for my weakness. I love him too much.

I sighed and returned my attention back to my ruined and chewed up computer cords curtesy of His Highness. I took a quick shower to prepare for tonight's dinner only to come back in to see my scum of a son chewing happily on my cords.

He didn't even stopped when I caught him. Usually he would deny it by looking away and ignoring me altogether. But this time, he just continued chewing, and ignoring me altogether.

Who needs infants when you have this ungrateful son of a lard.

I unwrapped the towel around me and flung it across the bed. Digging through my luggage, I looked for something appropriate to wear. Something that is acceptable when dining with billionaires.


I tapped my chin in thought.

I narrowed my eyes.

Hahahahaha. It's not like I have any other options. All I had was sweatpants, t-shirts and sweaters with me. And one red hoodie. My precious. Mommy made it for me. And I was really impressed. It looked like it was high end material and so comfy to wear. It was like being hugged by your soulmate.

Yeah. That good. Who needs a man when you have this hoodie?

I squinted my eyes and pulled out a red sweater and the jeans I wore today. Also some underwear and sports bra. As I began to change, I heard loud thuds.




Whipping my head towards the door of my room, I wondered what was going on. There were sounds of crashing and gunshots. Grabbing an oversized shirt, I quickly put it on and dashed out of my room. I ran through the hallway, my bare feet making quiet taps on the cold tiles.

When I reached the banister, I saw the front doors of the house blown open. Shreds of the once impressive wooden door laid in pieces on the white tiled floor.

What's going on?

The shouts of males were loud downstairs. Heaving myself up on the polished banister, I jumped off the second story and landed on the ground floor, superhero style. I hope no one saw my vagina when I jumped down.

I stood up from my crouch position and listened for sounds to pinpoint the location. My ears perked up and I followed the muffled voice of a man.

The chaos was happening in the dining area. The double doors were blown open too and there were armed men inside.

".....This is where the lineage of Donxel ends."

It all happened slowly.

I ran in, catching Ben using himself as a shield for his father, whilst the bullet was shot. Pushing my legs to urge them faster, I ran and threw myself in front of Ben.

Our eyes locked just as I felt the bullet hit the back of my head.



This is not edited.

I want to appologise for the short chapter but don't worry, I'll be updating tomorrow. If I get 10 votes, y'all get it v early. I just wanna know if y'all still want this story.

Butt hey.

I'll still update tomorrow.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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