Chapter Seventeen: Blackheart

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The clearing was now empty, and I sat alone just under the Four-trees at the base of the stone that leaders sat on for gatherings.  

Riversong had only left me here a few moments ago, though my loneliness felt as though it had been moons. And through the quiet murmur of the creek bed and the chirps of crickets I thought that I herd a small twig snap from the undergrowth at the edge of the clearing, in the Thunderclan territory's direction. 

I sat still with my eyes trying to make out and moving figures among the dense bracken. My claws unsheathed as I noticed the shadowy shape of a cat heading towards me. Bright amber eyes peered out of the leaves that hid it's pelt form my view and the breeze hid it's scent from my searching nose. 

Then from my clans new territory I herd a rush of paw-steps, they came closer and closer until I could see the newcomers pelt as he streaked towards Four-trees. I realized with a jolt who it was.

"Blackheart!" he yowled as his deep green eyes blazed. "Are you coming back to camp or what?"

It was Tigerfang! My mind flicked back to the amber eyed cat that I had seen watching me from Thunderclan territory and I looked back over there.  

The blazing amber eyes had seemed to disappear but the threatening presence pricked at my fur still.

Leaves cracked above my head in one of the four trees. I looked up only just in time to be flattened to the ground as a figure crashed down on top of me. His scent made me feel like I had been struck by a death blow. It was not only one scent though, it was two mixed together; both were to be feared though. I struggled out of the cats grip and stared in disbelief; the cat I face had two pelts, half was a horrible dark brown with a black upper half and a white stripe leading from his nose to his tail tip, and the other with light grey with a white muzzle and black stripes on his tail. The pelts met at the center of the cats back and continued so the cat was equally colored. He even had one ugly yellow green eye and one dark blue.

"Hello again Blackheart." he hissed with two voices at once. "Surprised are you?"

Knowing that at least one half of the cat could hear me I spoke though only my thoughts. 'How?!' I stammered in my mind. And just then a sleek tan tabby pelt walked to the cat's side.

"Leafstorm!" I herd Tigerfang gasp when he reached the moonlit clearing "What are you doing with Whitestar?" I realized that he could not see or hear Whitestars other half, Badgersoul.

Tigerfang joined us and stood at my side with his pelt prickling with shock.

"I've joined Whitestar, he has told me that this cat has broken the warrior code and he needs help in removing her from this forest!" Leafstorm spat as he arched his back and fixed his amber eyes on me.

"What she does has nothing to do with either of your clans!" Tigerfang snarled.

"Don't loose you patience on us Tigerfang." Badgersoul and Whitestar said in a soothing voice that I knew was only filled with trickery "What she has done involves you as well as I, she has betray you Tigerfang. And I am here to dis lodge this impure cat from you clan before what she has done effects us all."

"What is he talking about Blackheart?" Tigerfang asked as he turned to face me.  

Useing my tail I replied 'I've done nothing! It's Badgersoul, he's taken over Whitestar! Can't you see it? He's just looking for a reason to kill me with out getting exiled!'

"Blackheart, Badgersoul is dead. This is just Whitestar." Tigerfang said looking back at Whitestar who gave me a defiant look.

"Good, so Tigerfang you understand?" he replied calmly as he took a step towards me.

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