Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I groaned as my alarm went off at half five the next morning. I was not a morning person, but it was necessary to get up at this time to look good for school.

I grabbed my clothes I

’d looked out yesterday, turned on the coffee machine in my room, and jumped in the shower. The hot water relaxed me, and I began my daily routine.

I sat at my vanity mirror, my hair up in a towel, with my denim dress on. It was going to be another hot one today, and there was no way I was wearing jeans.

I blew dried my blonde hair, and started straightening it. I was halfway done, when there was a knock on my door.


Come in," I yelled, taking away the straighteners. I liked my curly hair, don’t get me wrong, but I could be bothered to straighten it today. Matt walked in, and sat on my bed.


What are you doing tonight?" he asked, and I sighed,


I’m going out with Tracey," I tell him.


Will Warren be there?" he asked.


I don’t know,"

"T’s going with you," He tells me, and I freeze, straighteners in mid air.


Like hell he is," I say.


Look. Axel’s in New York. I doubt you’d want me there, and Rex is working,"

"So, eh, here’s an idea… how about I go alone?"

"Nope, not happening,"

"Could this day get any worse?" I said, and started straightening my hair again, steadily ignoring Matt. Eventually, he took the hint and left.

It was eight o’clock when I was completely ready for school. I turned the news on, and watched it for twenty minutes, before a car horn tooted outside.


Bye," I muttered to Matt. He hugged me, and sent me a worried look. I glanced in the mirror, and went outside.

I climbed in the backseat.


Hey babe," Tony joked, "Ready for our date tonight,"

"Hell no," I said, and both Tracey and I glared at him, "If you know what’s good for you, you won’t come,"

"Awww, do you care about what’s good for me? So sweet," he said, and I blushed.


Shut the hell up," I muttered. When we pulled up at the school, I ignored all of Tony’s adoring fans, and Tracey and I stormed away.


See you tonight, babe!" Tony called, and I shot him the finger.


Hey, Jody," Warren said when I slammed my locker, "You ok?"

"No. I hate my brothers," I say, "And we can’t go out tonight,"

"Why not? Is it something I did?"

"No. they found out," I tell him.


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