Chapter 13

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A/N; Two in one night?! This is a record for me I think! It is short though, just a filler, but kinda important at the same time XD Thank you for reading!

What do I say?

“Yes!” I practically scream, jumping on him, and hugging the life outta him. He catches me, and spins me round.

“Really?” he asks.

“Of course!” I say, and he hugs me tighter.

“You have no idea how happy you’ve made me,” he whispers in my ear.

The bell goes, and he walks me to class, holding my hand and grinning the whole way.

“When I get in tonight, I wanna see your relationship status changed,” he teases, and I smile at him.

“Promise,” I say, and he pecks my lips, before running off to his own homeroom class.

I waltz in, and Tracey pulls me into a seat.

“Spill,” she says, and I do.

She’s squealing by the end.

“Oh my god,” she says when I’m finished, “I’m so happy,”

“Me too,” I say. I can’t stop grinning. Not even when I go into English and get a detention for ‘laughing at her’. I wasn’t. I was just happy. She obviously doesn’t understand what that means.

By lunch, the whole school’s talking about it, apparently. I don’t care. I sit with my friends, sticking my tongue out at Warren, who’s sitting across the hall, throwing grapes at us.

“You two are just so damn cute,” Ian mocks, laughing. I roll my eyes at him.

“Damn straight,” I say. A grape hits me in the face, and I hear Warren laughing. Narrowing my eyes at him, I decide that was a declaration of war. I pick up my own fruit, which happens to be an apple, and chuck it.

Only, my aim was bad.

I hit Connie. In the face.

“Hey!” she screeches, whipping her head around, before settling her glare on my howling group of friends, “You’re dead, Thompson,”

She piles her spoon with macaroni, and lobs it. Only, it doesn’t hit me. I don’t see who it hits. But it’s the spark in the food fight which takes place.

By the time I get to art, I, and my entire class, is covered in food. We’re good-natured about it though, and so it Dawn.

“Look at you!” she says, laughing, “Wouldn’t you make a pretty picture,”

It inspires me to draw the fight. So I do. I draw it in cartoon style. I add extra food on Tracey, and she laughs when she sees it. You can barely see her. Just her head sticking out of a pile of mashed potato. I do the same for Warren, because hey, he started it.

When I’m done, the double period is over. Dawn laughs, and pins it on the wall.

I make my way to maths, absolutely dreading it. I take my seat, get my stuff out, and tell Charlie to prepare for another lesson of tutoring.

It’s then that the door opens, and Kane walks in. I groan, and he grins at me. Showing his slip to the teacher, she nods, and he takes the seat in front of me.

“Jeeze, what do you want?” I ask, and his grin gets wider.

“Right now? I’d love a foot massage, if you’re offering,” he says.

“Ew, get away from me,” I say, sitting back in my chair, and making him laugh. He shakes his head.

“So... any reason you’ve got pasta in your hair?” he asks.

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