Chapter 4

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A/N; Hey guys! The start of this chapter’s kinda slow… but I just wanted to prove that Axel’s not all bad, he’s got a heart. In fact, most of his heart is devoted to Jody’s safety. The OPD have their reasons for their overprotective-ness, and all will be revealed later! Mwahahaha. Keep reading, love you all!

I flung my bag at the bottom of the stairs, and jumped into Axel’s arms. I missed him. Matt filled the role of big brother well, but no one could replace Axel.

“How was school?” he asked.

“Crappy,” I tell him, and he laughs, carrying me through to the living room. He sits me next to him on the sofa, and I sigh.

“What’re you doing this weekend?” he asked, and I gulped.

“Uh… party?” I ask. He raises his eyebrows.

“And who gave you permission?” he asked.

“Tony did,” I say, “He’ll be there. And he promised to stop me making out with anyone,”

“Not that you would do that,” he said, giving me a stern look. I grin sheepishly as he continues, “And I guess if T’s going, you can go,”

“Really?” I ask, excited. Axel had never agreed to let me party before.

“I want you back for twelve,” he says, and I bite my lip, “Unless you’re staying with Tracey‘s?”

I nod, and he nods back.

“Thanks, Axel,” I say, kissing his cheek. He sighs and closes his eyes.

“I missed you, squirt,” he said quietly, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Do not. Under any circumstances. Call me squirt,”

He chuckled, “But it’s true. You’re so small,”

“Yeah… I kinda noticed,” I say, rolling my eyes at him.

We stayed up for most of the night talking about nothing and everything, and I end up feeling the same way I do every time.

I don’t want him to leave.

* * *

“Get your f… riggin butt out here!” My friend, Carla, shouted through the curtain. The only reason she says friggin is because she’s not broken her New Years Resolution; to stop swearing.

“Yeah, yeah,” I mutter, looking at the dress. I’m buying it, I know that much. The black lacy top clings to my top half, showing every curve, every dip, everything. The bottom of it shows off my hips and my ass, then flows around my legs like water.

I open the door, and they squeal.

“Damn girl, you look good,” Allen said, and I laugh.

“I did want something to show off my belly button piercing… but I kinda like this,” I say.

“Yeah. Plus the OPD freaked when you got that done. Especially T,” Tracey reminded me, and I grimaced. Damn, that wasn’t good.

“I guess this’ll do,” I said, and Carla smacked my arm.

“I wish I could look like that,” she said wistfully. Carla wasn’t fat, or unattractive, by any means. But she was incredibly tall, all arms and legs. Still, she’d make one hell of a model.

“What are you on about? We both know you’ll be the next Naomi Campbell,” I say. Me… I don’t think they hire models at five foot two, “What am I going to do with my hair?” I groaned, and Tracey’s grin lit up like a light bulb.

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