Chapter Five

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Anna looked at the photos on her computer, at the brother, the reason she was doing all this, risking her entire business to put a former friend in jail. She knew in some ways that it was the right things to do, that it had saved him months of agony. That it was selfish to want him to still be alive and that this was why he had died when she was in Russia on business. Why she hadn't learnt until after the funeral, when she was back in England.

A call interrupted her thoughts and she picked up the phone, drying her tears and trying to calm her breathing.

"Hello, this better be good news."

"It's Jamie, and it's not particularly good news, but I can make it extremely good news."

"Do you have the lab results?"

"No, that's what I have to report. The results were burned"

"Shit. How are you able to make this a good thing?"

"Around the time they were burned Sarah had just been let out on bail. We blame the burning on Sarah, this proves she knows what the results were going to be and needed to dispose of them. Another point that proves she was the murderer."

"Okay... You are sure this will work right."

"Of course, you saw me debate."

"Exactly, that's why I'm worried."

"Shut Up." And with that the line went dead. Anna sighed, it seemed the earlier warning shot hadn't scared Jamie that much.

There was a knock on the door and Giovanna stormed in. She was one of the only people who could do that, anyone else would be shot.

"Giovanna, what is it?"

"The drugs I gave you-"

"Which ones, you've supplied me with several, did you not get the money"

"The ones I gave you a week ago, the Paracetamol I gave you. I need to know, did you kill Emma Cosgrove with it. I went to the scene of the crime when I heard about it, I wanted to comfort Sarah but then I heard she was in prison and I looked at the body. It definitely looks like Paracetamol."

"Wow, I didn't know you were an actual doctor. Such a coincidence you managed to find that out."

"Okay, I don't know. I didn't look at the body. But Paracetamol of all things, you wanted Paracetamol. It's a coincidence"

"I neither confess or deny that fact." Anna said, smiling.

"Take this seriously. This isn't a fucking TV show. You killed someone, Anna."

"I've done that before Giovanna. I have ordered the shooting of thousands, I even killed my husband, supposedly. What makes this any fucking different. Is it because we knew her, even if it was vaguely. Because if so you need to get your head checked out. Why does connection make human lives more or less important.

"This...this is different. Killing people there's always a reason, you order shootings because people have disobeyed you, because you need to scare others. You killed your husband-"


"-For power. But why this. Why did you kill Emma Cosgrove?"

"That, my friend, is the question. But you're smart you'll work it out eventually and if not then, well all the better for me."

"Well until I work it out find drugs from someone else."

"Fuck, Giovanna I have my reasons for not telling you. This is one of the riskiest fucking things I've ever done. If I tell you there will be one more person in the witness stand when this explodes and it will explode."

"If you know it will end badly why are you doing this."

"Because- No, I'm not falling into any trap. You aren't going to find out"

"I will and Anna the fact you won't tell me means it must be a terrible reason. So you're right when I find out I will be on the witness stand but I might just be arguing for you. You have friends in the world Anna, don't lose them"

With that Giovanna left letting Anna ponder on her words. After a few moments she realised Giovanna was right, in some ways. She did still have friends left on the world, friends who deserved to be dead. 

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