Chapter Nine

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As soon as Anna woke up she realised something was wrong, and after she had gathered her bearings she realised what it was, she wasn't in her bedroom. Fuck! She wasn't in her bedroom, instead she was lying on thin metal rods, like... Like rails. Shit, she tried to sit up but her hands and feet were tied down by rope. Slowly, from the shadows, a glowing figure limped towards her and as the figure came closer Anna started to recognise them. It was Jamie, but something was wrong. There was a gaping wound on their left leg with was red and oozing and there was gleam of white where bone was revealed. There was also something off with their face, their right eye was missing and out of the gaping hole blood pooled and trickled down their face like a river.

"An eye for an eye" they rasped, smiling wide, "A leg for a leg, a life for a life" they whispered, the only other sound was the slow dripping of blood onto the platform floor. Jamie glided over to the departure board and smiled, "Oh good, my trains approaching" Jamie announced as light started to flood the tunnel and the pounding sound of a train approaching echoed in the tunnel. Anna continued to struggle against her bonds as the train approached and squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for impact-

She was woken up by someone shaking her.

"Anna! Anna, are you okay?" Saul asked, hugging her and looking concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. It was just a dream."

"If your sure you're alright. Will you be okay for today."

"Yes, I can't miss my friends funeral."

"And you're sure it'll be okay that I'm there?"

"Yes, yes. It'll be better they find out now then at our wedding day-"

"Oooooh, our wedding day! Didn't know we were getting married" he teased.

"Fuck off"

"Okay, he said and walked into the bathroom."

Anna tried to keep calm as she thought about how she was going to act. What she felt was guilty, but she couldn't act guilty, she had to be sad, but not fake sad.

A few minutes later the bathroom door opened and Saul came out with a white towel wrapped around his waste.

"Hey, what're you gonna wear?"

"I was thinking this" he said, pulling out a black suit with a red tie.

"What's wrong with it?"

"You wore it every day, I'm not exaggerating, every day at school. You can't wear it today, it'll be too weird."


They walked together towards the house, with Saul's arm slung over Anna's shoulder. They were greeted at the door by a tall man in a blue suit.
"Hello, I'm John Smith, I'm Jamie's Fi-." he took a deep breath "Sorry, I was Jamie's fiancé, and you are?" he said ruffling his brown hair.

"I'm Anna, I was friends with Jamie at school, and this is my boyfriend Saul"

"Nice to meet you. There's a group of people from Francis Holland if you want to catch up with them"

"Thanks, I hope you don't mind me asking but why are we holding the funeral at your house?"

"They never really liked the idea of a proper funeral and just a gathering seemed to be a better idea now that the police still has the body."

"Oh. I'm so sorry"

"I'm dealing with it, I'm coping. "

"Still it must be hard"

"It is, it is. Anyway hopefully this will help, you know create a sense of finality."

"Yes, hopefully."

"Anyway, it was a pleasure to meet you"

"You too" Anna said, walking off, feeling guiltier than ever.

"One thing I have never got is how people say goodbye and then continue talking" Mr Taylor whispered, smirking. Anna pretended not to hear him and walked towards her old friends. Everyone was there, Giovanna staring into the distance, not registering anyone, Xorsheed looking blank as well, but not because of guilt, but because she's hiding a smile. Both Sarah's are there, Sarah L with tears streaming down her face and Sarah C in an orange jumpsuit and accompanied by two guards, Sacha is there, looking sad but with a knowing look on her face, which switches into anger when she sees Anna.

"Hello Anna" Sacha says, I was wondering if we could just talk privately"

"Anna, are you okay?" Saul asks as Anna whitens from Sacha's request, this is when everyone notices him.

"Mr. Taylor?" Sarah C asked. "Anna how much did you bribe him?"

"Shut up, Saul I'm fine, I just need to talk to Sacha, you don't mind hanging out with these nerds do you?"

"I'd love to" he said, suddenly shy and Sacha grabbed Anna's arm and pulled her upstairs and shoved her against a wall.

"Anna you stepped a fucking line with this death."

"It's funny isn't it. No one cares when I kill people they don't know, not Giovanna, not you. But as soon as it's someone you know I've overstepped the line. I didn't know lives had different worth's. You know you pretend that you're so good, so pure but you're not. You've helped me do everything else, everything. So you're as bad as me, no you're worse because at least I'm equal in the way I view life."

"No, no. You don't get to bullshit me this time. I won't allow it"

"Won't allow it, what are you going to do? You can't bring a case against me, you aren't a lawyer and if you did then you would destroy yourself in the progress" she grabbed sacha's hand and interlocked their fingers "You and I, we're intertwined Sacha. I go down so do you. Talk to me when you feel the lure of money over your guilt, I'll be waiting". Anna took a few seconds to compose herself before walking downstairs again.

"Hey Anna, what did you need to talk with Sacha about?" Giovanna asked, coming out of her daze.

"Oh, business."

"Sorry, I never really asked, but what do you do for a living?" Sarah cosgrove asked. Anna wanted to kill giovanna but at least she had a cover story ready.

"Oh, I run the family business."

"I didn't know your family had a business."

"Oh no, they don't. It's the Bracey corporation."

"Where is Ed?" giovanna asked, knowing the answer.

"He died four years ago, I took over control of the company."

"I'm sorry about his death." said Sarah L

"But why did you need to speak with Sacha?" Giovanna said, still wanting Anna to slip up and get entangled in her lies.

"Bracey Corporations deals with imports and exports, she was giving me the heads up on a bill that might be passed" The conversation moved on to something completely different. They talked for a bit more, mostly about the awesome things Jamie did with their brilliant life. When everyone started to leave Giovanna pulled Sacha to the side.

"You know, about Anna, you know."

"Yes, I knew about Sarah for ages, I helped with the bill but now with Jamie, well I want to do something."

"So do I, but I need help. You see, I wasn't involved in the case, I know you weren't either but you could probably persuade the barrister to even look at the case again."

"I could, but you need to help as well. You've been acting weird, and then started digging into what was going on with Anna. You need to reconcile what differences you have and find out information so that we have a solid case. I can get recording instruments but you need to get close to her."

"Before we do this I want you to know something because you're going to find this out and I would prefer you learnt this from me. I killed Jamie Menkus."

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