Chapter 11

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Sarah's heart thumped against her chest and she couldn't sit still. The second hand on her clock seemed to be moving too fast and it slowly approached the time of her death. Too soon the door to her cell opened and numbly she held out her hands for handcuffs and was led down the hall way, down a corridor she hadn't been to before to a room where she could smell the paint. There were a crowd of people there, mostly friends. Hopefully she searched for Sacha, but was disappointed to see she wasn't present in the crowd of people. Guess this was just going to be another promise she wouldn't keep. The guards told her to lie down on a white plastic bed and they strapped her on it and she could feel the cold plastic through her thin jumpsuit and knew it would be one of the last things she would feel. There was a sharp pinprick as a needle pierced her skin and then a hot tingling feeling like pins and needles started across her body. Her vision was becoming blurry when the door opened and in ran her prosecutor with Sacha following right behind them.

"I have information on the case of Sarah Cosgrove that delays the execution." announced the Prosecutor and thrust a bunch of court documents into one of the guards hands. After they skimmed them they hurried towards Sarah but it was too late, the poison was starting to reach her heart and she started to shake on the table but managed to turn her face towards Sacha and gasp out her last words "You kept your promise" she said and died with a smile on her pale face.

Sacha blinked back tears, to make this death mean anything she had to pull it together, there would be time for mourning afterwards. The guards were talking on walkie-talkies and later told her that they had dispatched a team to go after Anna.

Anna sat the kitchen table, watching Mr Taylor dance around the Kitchen, unpacking the chines takeout. Sunlight streamed through the skylight as he set down containers of food. She checked her watch and smiled, she'd managed it. Sarah Cosgrove was dead, finally, and it hadn't come at the price of her company.

Mr T sat down and nervously ran his fingers through his hair before taking a deep breath and standing up again. He took a small box out of his pocket and got down on one knee.

"Anna, I know you were joking about getting married on the day of the funeral, but I considered it seriously. There is nothing I would like more in the entire world then to live the rest of my life with you. You fixed me after the death of, the death of my wife and I will forever be grateful for that. You've made me the happiest I've ever been, actually I think you've made me the happiest man alive. So will you do me the greatest honour of being my wife"

Anna was stunned and in the few minutes it took her to understand what was going on she saw Saul's face going from happy to nervous and he started to get up.

"Stop, don't get up. I'd love to be your wife." Anna said and was just about to slip the ring on her finger when the front door was forced open and a long line of men in black holding guns filed in and made a circle around them. Just as fast Anna grabbed the pistol from under the table.

"Anna, what's going on? What did you do?"

"Saul, I'm sorry, you weren't meant to get hurt." Anna said, still keeping her eyes trained on the men. "Please, stand behind me, and stay safe."

"But why do you have these guns. Just tell me what's going on" he said, pleading, but took the gun

"promise me you'll stay safe."

"Okay, I promise. Now tell me what's going on"

"I'm not who you think I am, I've killed people, I've killed my friends to get what I want. You didn't fall in love with me, not really. You fell in love with the person I pretended to be. I'm sorry I deceived you, I'm sorry what we had wasn't real"

"Oh, Anna you weren't the only one who lied" Saul said, pulling a gun out from his belt and he pulled the trigger. "Two months ago I found out about my wife, I've been waiting for the right moment to get rid of you. But I was stupid, I was scared of you. Well, it's you who should be scared, thanks for allowing me to stand behind you." Anna tried to react but it was too late, Mr Taylor closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. There was a wave of pain as the bullet buried itself deep in her spine and her world darkened.

She woke up with a start, expecting it all to be a dream. But when she tried to move her arm she heard a clink and looked down to see her arm handcuffed to the bed. She tried to twist and turn, and it was only then when she realised she couldn't feel any pain in her legs. She'd been shot, surely there should be pain, right? Then, in a panic she noticed the lack of feeling throughout her legs. She tried to move once again when the door opened and a doctor walked in.

"I wouldn't do that. You might not be able to feel anything but you still just had an operation on your spine, you're lucky to be alive. You've been out for five days, we weren't sure if you'd make it. The bullet shattered and we couldn't risk getting all the pieces so we doubt there's any chance you'll be able to walk. A policeman will come in to get you up to date and ask you some questions, I'm just here to top up your meds." She said, moving over to hang up a new bag of fluid.

She left and Anna sank into her bed, about five minutes later the door opened and in walked a policeman.

"Miss giluch, you missed a lot in those five days. Sacha Nacouzi confessed to her crimes of accepting and handing out bribes, and the ensuing Cosgrove Scandal forced the government to get rid of the death penalty. So you'll be in jail for life. Giovanna confessed to the murder of Jamie Menkus a day after Nacouzi, but got a reduced sentence due to pleading guilty and saying you blackmailed her. She also confessed to drug dealing. You've made a lot of work for us, seems like Bracey Corporations has collapsed, we had hundreds of confessions from petty crime to murder. Saul Taylor is also being tried for attempted murder. Because of your injuries your trial will be in a month. But I need to ask some questions, if you confess to me now, you won't get a reduced sentence but there will be the possibility of probation. Do you confess to countless murders, bribery, crime, drug dealing and countless over crimes?"

Anna sighed, she was tired, so fucking tired. But before she gave in she needed to know one thing. "The Cosgrove Scandal? Is Sarah dead?"

"The sentence was carried out minutes before Sacha's confession"

"Okay, I confess" Anna said, it was the end, in some way she had won. She had avenged her brothers death.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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