~Chapter 2~

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"Chloe." An annoying voice attempts to stir me from my beauty sleep.

Unfortunately for me, it works. Instead of waking up, I decide to keep my eyes glued shut.

"Chloe." Maybe it would go away if I pretended to be dead.

"Chloe!" I suddenly feel a fluffy pillow colliding with my face.

"I'm awake!" I bolt upright, my hands flying up in defense as I get whacked once more.

"You sleep like a potato! Do you even want to know how many times I said your name before you responded?" What a pleasure it is to have a roommate.

"Stop hitting me or I will take that pillow and start hitting you." I lazily roll off the bed, rubbing my eyes until my vision becomes clear.

My roommate, Alia, hastily puts the pillow down and makes her way into the kitchen.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask groggily.

"I can make toast. Do you want butter on it?" She asks.

"Yeah, thanks." I step into the kitchen still half asleep until my phone starts buzzing.

Alia looks at my phone. "Aren't you going to answer it?"

I shake my head and look away from its screen. "Nope. It's nothing important."

"Well, in that case," Alia slides a buttered piece of toast towards me. "We have one more year until we can audition for Elite Dance. What piece are you using to show the instructors?"

I smile, imagining how amazing life as an Elite dancer would be.

It wouldn't make my life one hundred times more exciting and productive, but it definitely is an upgrade from my current position.

"Haven't thought about it... You?" I see a smile creep onto her face, but you can't blame her. It's been our dream to be on that team together ever since we were little girls who were taught how to wear extravagant, pink tutus.

"To be honest, I haven't thought about it either. I would want to do one of my contemporary pieces from this year, though." She glances at the clock on the wall, her smile completely vanishing.

"Shoot. Chloe, stuff that toast in your mouth. We'll be nothing more than mere road kill if we don't hurry to rehearsals." She rushes out the dorm with me following a step behind her and a minute later, we're sprinting towards Studio B. We slip on our jazz shoes and throw our bags in the girls locker room.

"Good morning." Our instructor arrives exactly at the half hour point. "Start practicing the combination I taught you yesterday and please use technique. I don't want to deal with disasters today."

We practice the combination in eight count intervals, eventually completing it fully while keeping in mind our positions, posture, and literally every inch of our body's alignment. Nothing special, just the usual rehearsals at our dance academy.

Once class was excused a few hours later, Alia and I hang out in an empty studio. "We should do improvisation for Elite auditions, I think they'll like it." Alia stands up and plugs in her iPod to one of the speakers.

"Great idea, but they might not like improv. What if I can't think of anything good at the time?" My mind races with the many dances I've done, but it can't grasp at something impressive.

Alia starts the music and walks to the middle of the floor, hogging the center of the mirror for herself.

"Don't think, just dance."


Chapter 2! This is not it, there's more to come! Thank you for the votes and don't forget to comment cause I'd love to know how I'm doing.

Thanks so much for reading! :p

* Has anyone watched Dance Academy? (It's on Netflix)

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