~Chapter 7~

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The hallways that bind the studios together in this academy seem empty today, it's usually filled with dancers frantically running from studio to studio.

My footsteps press lightly against the ground, making a sound only the insects can hear. Every step I take is a step closer to Studio E.

The Elite dancers' studio.

You can't mess with them. Wait, you can't mess with us.

I don't know how in the world I got an early acceptance into the group, but I do know that Elite start practice early in the morning.

I had to wake up earlier than 5:30am, the time rehearsals start, but it was worth it.

The only thought in my mind was one I didn't think would ever be there: I wish Alia, Christian, and Jason were here.

I've known them for so long, and now I part with them all of a sudden.

The door of Studio E was ajar. Being the introverted person I am, I sheepishly peer in, hoping to get a glimpse of my new team.

To my surprise, the whole room was empty. I check the time and the letter on the door just to be sure. 5:26am and Studio E. I'm four minutes early and it's the right studio.

I tiptoe in, despite the fact that I am alone and grasp the handle to pull the door fully closed.

Timidly walking towards the speaker, I rummage through the belongings my bag, my fingers eventually finding my iPod.

Once the wire connected the iPod and speaker together, I make a random playlist and put it on shuffle.

And then I dance.

The fluid movements come naturally to me, my arms and legs synchronized to the steady beat.

My body moves freely through the imaginary wind and gets carried away with the leaves. I land on the ground gracefully as I start to lose feel for my body's movement.

Then I'm completely engulfed by the music and have no idea how I'm dancing. I'm lost in the moment, losing control of the world around me.

All the worries, the fears, all the horrid feelings that are stuck within me escape the dark cage they have been trapped in for so long. For once I feel light, I feel free. But I know that this feeling won't last.

The music gradually slows down and I start gaining control over my body again. I end at the sound of applause filling the studio and whip my head around towards the door.

"And this, Elite, is how you impress a choreographer. Chloe, your improvisation never ceases to delight me."

My eyes are met with the man I saw days ago as he compliments me with a smile. Dancers whom all look ages older than me crowd around the man. I can't believe that the Elite dancers just saw me dance!

"Show's over, thank you Chloe. Five minutes to get on the floor and stretch. Don't slack off."

The crowd disperses into a dance block on the floor. "Excuse me, Sir?" I speak up to the man.

"Call me Mr. Kurt. Sir works too, but it makes me sound old. What did you need, Chloe?" Mr. Kurt asks.

"Where would you like me to stretch?" He points over to a small group near the back left corner, where I spot a girl and a boy stretching together.

I give a small nod to Mr. Kurt and walk over the two, making my way to a sitting position.

"Hey, you're Chloe right?" The girl waves and I give a polite wave back.

"Yeah. And you guys are...?"

"Mary. And that over there," She points to the boy. "Is Matthias." The boy looks over and I immediately second guess myself for calling him a 'boy.'

His features suggest someone of an older age, it was just the back of his head that made him look younger.

"Hey." He waves a hand, but my brain focuses on something else.

His voice. The low, raspy voice. I recognize it from that night after shopping with Christian and Alia.

The shopping spree where I bought the black dance shorts and white lace hair bow I'm wearing at the moment.

I give him a smile, hoping that he doesn't recognize my voice, or just me in general. Just at my luck, he turns around without another comment.

Mary and I exchange small talk as we stretch out our bodies together for the next few minutes until Mr. Kurt tells us to grab our jazz shoes.

Mary stands up, shaking her legs and rolling out her ankles before she proceeds toward her own dance bag.

At the beginning of class, I set my bag on the opposite end of the studio, so I have to go across the floor to retrieve it.

Matthias was quick and followed behind me, eventually making it beside me.

"Go put your jazz shoes on." I shoo him away and lunge down to grab my own pair from my bag.

"So you weren't kidding about the all your life thing, huh?" Matthias confirmed my suspicions. He remembers that night.

I stand and turn towards him. "Of course I wasn't. Lying about my age won't do any good, especially in front of stuck up strangers." I shake my head and the floppy bun I had lazily made this morning becomes undone.

"I wasn't stuck up." I raise my eyebrows at him which only earns me a glare in return.

"Fine, maybe I was stubborn that night." He gives in and I let out a light laugh.

"Yeah, stubborn. That's more like it." I place a hand on the nearby wall to steady myself as I pull on both my jazz shoes.

"Don't push it, youngster." He laughs along with me, a good hearted laugh. "I'll find your flaws as easily you found mine."


I promised an early update, so sorry if this is a poopy chapter.

Thank you so much for all the reads, votes, and especially the kind comments :p

I got Matthias's name from one of my favorite book series The Shadow Children. I ❤️ this book series, you should check it out one day, it is most probably on Amazon at a reasonable price.

Thank you for reading! :p

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